Looking For A Job At My Age After Long Absence

Hi Didi

So I work as a back to work advisor in the UK, now the Uk is obs different from Canada but a few things will be transferable.

1 most jobs you apply for online will be first sifted by an AI called an applicant tracking system. this will parse your CV looking for specific details and words and skills that the employer is interested in. IF your CV cant be parsed it will be rejected. Here are some links to some guides.

I dont know if in Canada you would use a one page Resume format as they do in the states or a 2 page CV as they do in the UK. but getting threw an ATS applies to both.

Try using Google they have a competitor app to indeed. hear is a link to the Montreal Canada page. jobs in montreal - Google Suche
the search can be customised but somwtimes ppl cant find the actual job site.

Feel free to PM a CV ( you can redact your personal details) if you want me to give it a once over.

Good luck.



Hi, so I noticed your first name is: Diane well so is mine. I am doing ok; thanks for asking. How are you doing ?? Yes, job searches are stressful but, I am taking it one day at a time.

Hi RichGB,

Thanks for the info. and for wishing me good luck. I am currently a member with a job placement service that will help and guide me to hopefully finding my next job; and that I also hope will be the last one.

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Hi Didi,

Diane, is a middle name given to me unofficially. I need to take care of 3 things this next month and it’ll be back to a search for myself too. Please feel free to reach out whenever. I like your response with RichGB and being a member. I have to read backwards on member of what but betting it’ll help on the job search. Here’s to finding something. We have two things known in common :). Here’s to the searches be successful, and we can go back to just name common :smiley:

There were some really good ideas for being own boss in this thread. If anyone has a good at night thing to start, please post!!!

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:angry: :rage: :face_with_symbols_over_mouth: Hi Everybody; so yesterday I found out that this organization that I have been dealing with since early April (three months ago) is no longer helping me in my job search due to budget cuts by the (Quebec Government).

They did refer me to another one (Services Quebec) which I was planning on contacting anyway but, thought I would try the other one first; and all was good until they told me yesterday that they can’t help me anymore so, now I have to contact the other one; what a waste of those three months in a sense; hopefully when I contact the other one, that it will go smoothly because I need help since I have been unemployed for so long (since the end of January 2012); found a job in (2014) but only did 1 month.

Please, keep your fingers crossed for me :crossed_fingers: I will keep you all posted.

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Hi Everybody; so yesterday I went to this other organization, met with a woman who’s an Employment Specialist; we talked for about an hour and it went well.

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Hi Didi, I know we talked a bit back. What fields are you looking at? I am off and trying to possible find part time work to supplement next two years pull.

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Hi Everybody; so yesterday I went to that organization again, the one where I went on August 20th; and met with the Employment Specialist. Yesterday; I met with the Employment Assistant who works with the Employment Specialist, and again we talked for about an hour; and it went very well.

So, we talked about my CV and so forth; she was very friendly, helpful, easy to talk etc. just like the other woman who I met with last month. So far; I am happy with this organization, and their staff :slightly_smiling_face:

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I wish you very good luck !

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Hi, and Thanks :slightly_smiling_face:

I’m in a very similar situation Didi, It’s not easy!
CVs are often checked out by AI these days before a mere mortal even has a glance. You’ll get there! :+1:

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@Didi69 , @Chilliboot

ok, once you get pass the CVs, how do you compete with younger candidates? I’m in a semi pickle and thinking of trying harder on a part time search or try hard and start a business. It seems like more individuals start a side gig vs a part time job.

Another viewpoint, it appears most coworkers I’ve known find it easier to obtain contract work versus full time employment. This might be industry driven, but I feel contract work has advantages too.

@Chilliboot, have you tried that idea of tailoring your CV for the job? Looking for keywords on the job description? Not sure if it’ll work. In my younger days, with 2 companies, had to apply 5-8 times through several years to get an interview and offer.

Would welcome any thoughts or ideas from anyone. Glad to know others in a similar boat.


Okay, once passed the dreaded CV stage then I actually relish the opportunity of an interview. It’s a chance to shine as a human being and convey the positives to a potential employer. Yes, age can be a barrier, conversely it can be very much a positive, think experience.

In the UK there is plenty of support in the form of training courses, CV writing etc for those willing to take it and I have had help and advice with using those keywords.I’m actually starting a couple of courses this this week. Agency work is fine as far as flexibility is concerned but the downer is that you never know for certain how much money is coming in and when. This is why I’m now looking to get back into full time employment at a relatively late stage in life.

Good luck LookingForward and do keep us posted :slightly_smiling_face::+1:


Good morning all,

Regarding not knowing money coming in and when, I’ve always had a fear being the next person to be laid off. That fear has diminished as I’m aging and with both daughters getting closer to maybe start looking for full time positions.

It is interesting different perspectives on income. @Chilliboot ,thank you for sharing some thoughts.

It has not been a choice to try and keep a job. With changes and extra expenses, trying to adapt and explore potential more sources of income. There appears to be a couple of ways for extra sources of income, but limitations too. Passive income, royalties, dividend income, rent, compared with and traditional sources of income such as a job. I have a limited shelf life on traditional source, but not enough knowledge and limitations on passive at the moment.

I’d like to ask your thoughts about dividend income. I’ve lost the time value of money in this area but find it most interesting some family members have a hefty piece of income from dividends and pensions. It seems hospitals are the main areas which offer pensions still here in the states. On the topic of dividends, I don’t yet understand this better to know is it better to have stocks with higher dividend rate or ones which have higher growth rate. Example, industry decline aside, with $100, should I buy 1 share of Exxon, some growth potential 3.4% dividend, or go closer to BHP $50 with 5% dividend potential. Neither dividend would be guaranteed, both established companies. So which investment is a better bet?

Regarding interviews, and in the office, I often find myself now my conscious of my faulting posture, wrinkles. I overcompensate with the thought shoulders back, chin up. To combat frown lines, extra effort on smiling. Surprisingly, both have helped.

I hope to hear good news from both @Chilliboot and @Didi69