Limericks. (New)

So she went to a health farm instead
But got told off for lying in bed
“You should be up and about "
And gave her a clout
Right up the side of her head

She began to see stars

She began to see stars
And a planet like Mars

She began to see stars
And a planet like Mars
She said “I’m confused”

[quote=“EZ_Rider, post:7303, topic:58188, full:true”]
She began to see stars
And a planet like Mars
She said “I’m confused”
But help she refused

She began to see stars
And a planet like Mars
She said, “I’m confused”
But help she refused
Then went off to hang around bars

While stood at the bar in the pub

While stood at the bar in the pub
The bar keeper gave her a snub

While stood at the bar in the pub
The bar keeper gave her a snub
I’ll have a blue gin

While stood at the bar in the pub
The bar keeper gave her a snub
I’ll have a blue gin
With some tonic in

While stood at the bar in the pub
The bar keeper gave her a snub
I’ll have a blue gin
With some tonic in
Maybe then we can jump in the tub.

You’ve got some front said the barman

Tricky one to rhyme EZ? :thinking:

You’ve got some front said the barman
As he rattled the Charity tin can

You’ve got some front said the barman
As he rattled the Charity tin can
She said “Sorry I’ve no cash”

You’ve got some front said the barman
As he rattled the Charity tin can
She said “Sorry I’ve no cash”
But I’ll give you a flash

You’ve got some front said the barman
As he rattled the Charity tin can
She said “Sorry I’ve no cash”
But I’ll give you a flash
And so the capers began.

The landlord started to grin

The landlord started to grin
He shouted, “Get yer last orders in!”

The landlord started to grin
He shouted, "Get yer last orders in!
I said “ang on a mo!”

The landlord started to grin
He shouted, "Get yer last orders in!
I said “ang on a mo!”
It’s my round ya know

The landlord started to grin
He shouted, "Get yer last orders in!
I said “ang on a mo!”
It’s my round ya know
We’ll all have a very large gin.

There was a donkey on the beach

There was a donkey on the beach
Who let out a terrible screech