Limericks. (New)

Kent is a very nice county
In Autumn a wonderful bounty

Kent is a very nice county
In Autumn a wonderful bounty
The hops are profuse

Kent is a very nice county
In Autumn a wonderful bounty
The hops are profuse
And put to good use

Kent is a very nice county
In Autumn a wonderful bounty
The hops are profuse
And put to good use
I once even saw a Mountie.

He was riding along on his horse

He was riding along on his horse
Trying hard to avoid the sharp gorse

He was riding along on his horse
Trying hard to avoid the sharp gorse
When his horse bucked and reared

He was riding along on his horse
Trying hard to avoid the sharp gorse
When his horse bucked and reared
And a bad fall he feared

He was riding along on his horse
Trying hard to avoid the sharp gorse
When his horse bucked and reared
And a bad fall he feared
But the horse stood and giggled of course.

It was going to be one of those days

It was going to be one of those days
I’ll have to change my dirty ways

It was going to be one of those days
I’ll have to change my dirty ways
It’s not going to be easy

It was going to be one of those days
I’ll have to change my dirty ways
It’s not going to be easy
I’ve been so long sleazy :flushed:

It was going to be one of those days
I’ll have to change my dirty ways
It’s not going to be easy
I’ve been so long sleazy
I’m sitting around in a daze.

When Mary Jones went to the shop

When Mary Jones went to the shop
She bought far too much fizzy pop

When Mary Jones went to the shop
She bought far to much fizzy pop
After three or four swigs

When Mary Jones went to the shop
She bought far to much fizzy pop
After three or four swigs
And a couple of cigs

When Mary Jones went to the shop
She bought far to much fizzy pop
After three or four swigs
And a couple of cigs
She’d really gone over the top

So she went to a health farm instead

So she went to a health farm instead
But got told off for lying in bed

So she went to a health farm instead
But got told off for lying in bed
“You should be up and about”

So she went to a health farm instead
But got told off for lying in bed
“You should be up and about"
And gave her a clout