It’s just the power of suggestion!!
earlier I accidently got caught up in accessing an old thread of sweetiepies - coffeeshop or summat - wow that was a fast moving and very funny topic in its day and spitfire you also played some cameo roles along the way - it was moving so rapidly sometimes and firing so many burning blanks that it was almost alight!!
We have had a couple of matriarchal visitors over the years who tried to “Mother” us, great thing this, this care in the community
I was certainly amazed how I just stumbled on it again there was a character called Pug who was just about managing to hold himself together with the help of orthosurgeons and said he lived on a island and played in a musical band?
the matriarchial figure behind the bar had a way of usually and often wise smoothing down ruffled feathers! and now to a new directional topic if I can remember how to insert pics see next box
In my younger days much much younger I used to do a bit of ‘courting’ as we called it usually along the footpath or rather bridal path of the Trent and Mersey canal near Northwich in Cheshire. This unfortunately didn’t last long due to numerous factors - age being one of them. But that is besides todays point - this is about vanishing history in a way rather as spotted on another thread - seems to be a popular theme atm? As we entered the bridal path of the canal hopefully on non-rainy days we must have passed many times an ancient Inn call The Old Broken Cross and still standing there today and doing a roaring trade apparently
the bridal path and canal’s orginal build date was around 1777 so the pub in a slightly different form [adjoining cottages] would have been there. To this very day I have no memory at all of this pub and yet we must have passed it several times a week for many months - selective memory and obviously not prepared to even try using it in those days!
Just like an old time movie
'Bout a ghost from a wishing well
In a castle dark or a fortress strong
With chains upon my feet
You know that ghost is me
And I will never be set free
As long as I’m a ghost, you can’t see
Ah but ah but ah but - we can produce the pics can’t we? = well where are they I here him say - well just a mo just a mo rummage rummage - well seem to have disappeared just at the mo??
Well, just don’t go infringing any GDPR laws, don’t wanna see you banged up!!
banged up ?? banged up he says? well the last time I was banged up it was by a lovely lady I met quite by chance in Picadilly Circus who strangely enough said she was with Chippendales Circus and having a night off and would I like to join her - I said fine ; sure that would be nice - she said well good pass me that glue - I get sawn in half every evening and this time they didn’t put be back together - and I had not noticed a thing I swear!!
her she is look!
dont be obtuse!! - what about the beatles - We can work it out -
Do I have to keep on talking till I can’t go on?
While you see it your way,
Run the risk of knowing that our love may soon be gone.??
Are you the Walrus?
I am the walrus goo gooba joob!!
I was watching an recent interview that Paul McCartney had with one of our presenters here in oz - he still has his scouser accent and speaks in a humble and kindly way and explains how the wonders of the world brought the beatles together and what fun they had
he also talks about his musical father and the lose of his dear Mom when he was only 14 - those things happened a lot in those early post war years
It must be difficult to know when to do an autobiography, too early and it could be an old testament in which case, a new testament would be required a few years later which might put a different spin on the old one.
well it seems; it looks like ; it probably means that re-baking the magical LS pie is impossible without the three missing ingredients /four actually. The oft sprinkles of super strong P ; light but all pervasive RJ ; some sparklin J ; that unique ozzie sticky G has caused an utter implosion of the worst kind - there are no scribbles and nothing leisurely about current regurgitations. We are left with a crumbling monolith of invisible proportions that spells doom and leaves a lump of dark matter that can only just be made out in the gloom. IS ANYONE THERE AT ALL ; IF SO COME OUT NOW WITH YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR AND SINGING - " SHE WHEELED HER WHEEK BARROW - THROUGH STREETS SHORT AND NARROW ETC ETC ETC - AYE THANK YE AYE THANK YE - ONE MORE TIME AYE THANK YE
Scribbles has been mothballed, just join the Home Guard and wait patiently to be reactivated.
home guard ? l home guard? where are they haven’t seen them in many a year and with the capt gawn there is no leadership left - just a butcher and baker and candlestick maker - still got a full set by the way - goin cheap cheap cheap?/ anyone??
What the
happy days !! - that’s how he was at times - into the realm of the unknown aways with the fairies - but so were we all!! Jem I think we may have a spark of re-kindling goin on here - could blow the whole site up?/
old pugnacious used to blast us with science unknown ; RJ with literature unknowns and poetry and the odd tale of his grandfather! l spits just criptic commons well barbed!! ; gumbud all things down under ; Jem of course gems of knowledge unknown to the universe and a few ‘ladies’ who tried to keep them in check to no avail - this was the only thread with regular smoke comin out of it so lets get it goin again heh - anyone can play just do ya own thing - science ; entertainment ; hollywood ; [politics were banned in the opening stanzer if you care to look I believe?}
there was a young lady from Rye
wooden leg and only one eye
when she walked it did squeak
but she was terrible meek
and she was totally unable to cry!!
@ copyright Bret 2023???