Leisurely Scribbles (Part 2)

No one is under any obligation here, but if a person who has previously contributed is still breathing, it is encumbent upon them to make themselves known, out of mutual respect.

exactly ya a nut and Iā€™m a nut and we are all muts uallies and must keep the place goin ??? - someone has gotta empty the ashtrays ; throw out the empty cans and give the yard a brush - remember it is still called Jemā€™s place and wez gotta keep it shinin like a gem; sputtie right??? started getting the ā€œachin teeth syndromeā€ probaby donā€™t clean em enough - thought twice a year might be ok ?? - so one cap of dettol and 400mls of water mix and just swillin no swallow - see if they drop out or stay in?/

old warriors donā€™t die they just keep postin on LSā€™s part 2!!

been watching some backdrops of the series ā€œFriendsā€ - I like the humour but their living conditions are appauling = just two flats for em all and they spend their social life in a cafe on the ground floor with a bunch of ā€˜secondsā€™ who all appear to be sitting drinking coffee and talking but their is no noise coming outa their mouths - it really gets exciting when they take one of their old cars and go toa beach house for the w/end and run on the sand and look like normal kids!!

You expect too much gumbo, have you not yet realised that life is just a series of interconnected unrelated Quorums??? donā€™t worry, reduce the salient and increase the sentient, we might just get out of here before the AI moves in :laughing: :icon_wink:

exactly perhaps \jem and hi sson saw it all comin??

jem if ya got any decenty in ya get dressed and front up here!!

been away for a long while - anyfing new around here - can someone ; anyone bring me uptodate quickly ; Iā€™m, beginning to feel fainter by the day!

Bret, start 'ere < and finish 'ere> now your up to date

Blimey bret, you have been gone a while, I think gummy may be able to help in your search for information.

whereā€™s gummy then there matey ?? and what about that other guy from ozzie that used to tell some good tales - weā€™d all be a credit to jem now heh if we could find the blighter!!

yes just remembered him donkeyman - whereā€™s he gawn??

I liked donkeyman but, he was knockin on a bit, just goes to show, donā€™t matter how well a geezer is hung, when yer times up, its up, and the extra bit of body part will take longer to incinerate :icon_wink:

Iā€™ve found him and he is alive and well - and sends his bayings to everyone!!

ya know I have looked at this site origins from side to side and up and down and always come to the same conclusion! there was never anyone that could spin a storyline in such a majestic way ; appealing way and puzzling way then Jem. and I think I better write to him again and urge him to attend - what say you all?

Maybe Jem has lost his Mojo???

Nah I just donā€™t buy that one - a dubliner who has lost his mojo - nah nah and double nah - spittie letā€™s just try for a bit of fun trying to replicate what he did - he would come on and start off :slight_smile:

I was just looking at a john wayne film the other day and watched how he swaggered across the screen and pulled out his six shooters and looked lovely in his leathers and cowwie hat but was always clean shaven - now there was a sign?/

and then we learned later on that he would go home for a rest and get dressed up as a women for even more relaxation time - I just have never been able to figure that one out - I wonder what size knickers he wore? and did he get into high hell shoes or slippers by the fireside?? - and who was he doin it all for anyway - other guy?? - so many unanswered questions heh?/

Spittie - I have sent out foghorn calls for the chappie from the lippee and I have just gotta feeling in me waters that he will finally return out of a sense of loneliness for the auld folk - like yaself??

bret Lad, Spitty ainā€™t lonely, some folks confuse antiteamism with loneliness, easy mistake to make, promote your friends to acquaintances and lower you expectation :grin:

bye the bye bye the bye - spitty seein there is only yuz and me here now - I was just having a browse through the thread land of milk and honey or summat and noticed that jem was quite a frequenter there also and supporter too and that his last and final posting abruptly ceased on December 2021 - can we synchronize watches here? - I mean I mean what on earth did anyone do apart from old father time to him that would stop him so abruptly? I am flumuxed absolutely flumuxed??

Drug dealers give you a taste, and then restrict supply, callous Bastards, maybe Jem was a callous Bastard :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :icon_wink:

steady on there old chap there is no need for that sorta language and accusations - itā€™s like saying that King Charles is gonna abducate because he wants to punish us all for not being loyal - now go and wash ya mouth out with soap and water!!