Leisurely Scribbles (Part 2)

Good job I didn’t notice, you would have got a Glasgow Kiss. :relaxed:


There was a pub in the city centre years ago, tough old place, always fights in it, it was nicknamed "The Glass Go Inn’, I kid you not. :smiley:

There are pubs now in and around Glasgow, called things like “The Doctors” or “The Library”…makes it easy for the menfolk to hide if they say “Oh I’m just off to the library love, see you later” :smiley:

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What a terrific idea Pixie!, fair play to the Glasgow publicans, men after me own heart. :wink:

The Dublin publicans, when in their hay days back in the middle and late 1900’s, (they’re complaining now that they are reduced to paupers God love them), were like mates to their loyal customers, anytime the wife/girlfriend (the only partners back they were in business) rang the pub to ask for a person known to be a regular, the staff always gave the standard answer, “We’re very busy right now, could you please hang on and I’ll see if he’s here”, it was then up to the person to say if he was or wasn’t there, but that’s neither here nor there. :smiley:
By the way it was always a ’she’ looking for a ‘he’, never a ‘he looking for a ’she’ and very very seldom was the ‘he’ ever there.
But the pesky mobile phone put an end to all that.

I’d say it would take a lot to embarrass anyone who ‘served their time’ in a Glasgow or Dublin pub back in the old days, well in my case that’s for sure.

Like this not so fond memory.

Once when we weren’t long married, me own missus got a pain in her backside ringing up a getting palmed off, so she donned her coat and popped up the road to the pub.

It was my turn to throw in a very important darts match and the place was packed, she walked right up to me and snatched the darts from me hand saying “I thought you weren’t supposed to be here?, yer dinner is burned to the pot!”.
Hysterical laughter all around. :laughing:

So off home with her I went through the laughing crowd with me head lowered and you could light a fag off me face it was that red, home to eat a shrivelled up cremated dinner.

The embarrassment of it all was enough to make me answer the phone every time she called after that, I deserved it anyway and it could have been worse, like the time old Gerry’s posh wife brought his dinner up to the pub and emptied it all over him, followed by his beloved full pint of Guinness as if for dessert, what a hoot that was, providing you weren’t Gerry. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

For weeks after that, every time the pub phone rang and it was for me, all the hard chaws in the bar would shout out “180”, just like yerman on “Bullseye”, dear Lord, if ever a man suffered. :wink: :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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A Lady would never disturb a Gent, at the Oche. :man_factory_worker:

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Jem, I have to say that I condone your wife’s actions! My husband hasn’t had a drink for a few years now, but when he did, I too went to his favourite haunts, kids in tow (just for extra effect) and embarrassed him back home. Did it enough times that he gave up after that! :smiley:

Its a Lady that would…a wee woman wouldn’t. She would be behind the door with a rolling pin at 2am!

Even if he had is Eye In?

With me my Lovely Cousin would be 'phoning the library or book shop to see why I was late.

I like a beer or three but preferred to take my Lovely with me if possible. I used to work away from home a lot so would go out of an evening with friends and colleagues then, otherwise I would do my drinking at home.
No matter where I was in the world, I 'phoned her every day with an update of where I was, where I had been, and what I had got up to.

I got the occasional pass out to go to a do, especially after I retired, but my Lovely always knows where I will be. Having developed severe heart failure and risk of sudden death syndrome, we have location tracking enabled on our phobile moans in case I collapse somewhere whilst out and about.

A colleague of mine was a boozer. One day he told our boss he was having the following day off to take his family to the zoo.
The following day my boss took a call from a lady who was looking for our colleague. My boss told her what we had been told. “Oh,” said the lady, “well I’m his wife and I’m at home with my kids trying to find out where my husband is …”
I’ll give you one guess.


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Yes indeed Fruity, when the work gets in the way of the drinking, give up the work. wink

Seriously though, it was always the social side of the pub that I loved, you just can’t beat good live company for the craic, and I’ve come across some great characters in me day.
Thankfully I never had to miss work on account of hangovers, after a cup of black coffee in the morning I was back to myself again, besides I never considered making jewellery work, it was always a most enjoyable experience, especially when you saw the end result of a piece laid out in a velvet presentation case, most rewarding, and once you knew the ropes of the game you could tackle any problems along the way, it was good money for old rope.

I’m loving this new system, learning something new everyday.
However there is one side effect I discovered last night.

As I couldn’t nod off as easily as usual I picked up an Agatha Christie novel I hadn’t read in a long time so I had forgotten who done it, after each paragraph I began to notice little yella smiles, nods, winks, kisses, dancing cheer leaders, banjo players, hands joined in prayer, little policemen, narky faces, and what have you.

I had been reading so many posts on here that I couldn’t get the bloody things out of me head, folks are losing the run of themselves and throwing emojis all over the place like confetti, the emoji bug has taken over their minds I tell you!

I closed the book because it was a waste of time looking at it, these little yokes just wouldn’t go away.

Then I lay back and closed me eyes to go to sleep, but there they were again right in front of me, I’m being haunted by them.

Eventually I fell into a deep sleep and woke up refreshed, came down the stairs and into the kitchen for me breakfast, the wife placed the plate in front of me, on it were two slices of fried bread and two fried eggs sunny side up!!
“Oh jaysus no!” says I “not more of the bloody things.

I saw something in the news last night about it being harder to trace racist posts that use emojis, now I suppose all the nasties will will take advantage of that.

As I’ve always maintained, we are not going forward, we’re going backwards, using signs like cavemen instead of words, texting messages when we can just speak directly to one another on the phone, using wind for power, plagues breaking out all over the world, going back to electric transport like the old trams, etc.
Hopefully some day we’ll get back to when folks helped each other in times of crisis, good neighbours with friendly smiles and warm greetings instead of everyone for himself, greed and me me me all the time. alas some hope, sad.
Wakey wakey, it’s back to the 50’s. smile.

There is an agenda, (as usual) to my emoji Bug Jembo, waiting to see a Ragged off emoji. :grinning:

I am quite fond of the emoji, it has to be said. It can add a nuance to a post that otherwise might read differently. I am trying to restrict them though…an overused emoji loses its meaning.

And I would love for it to be the 50’s. Being a late 60’s baby, I missed the gentleness (it seems) of that era, where everyone was family and community. I am not a fan of todays society,…(look at that, no emoji, how good am I?!)

It was funny PK, when first entering the Online affray, there were many " Posting Etiquette" proclaimers, they seem to have gone silent.

Maybe they can’t be arsed now.

They are probably part of the “lets make all the emoji’s” crowd now!

Maybe. :innocent: :biking_man:

These are my favourites today :grinning:

Please don’t take me up wrong, by all means play with the new mojos, it was just the first shock of them all coming sort if at once that threw me. smile.

I know I’m slow to cop on to what these little cartoon characters mean, but your “two for today” baffle me Spitty, why on earth would a mad cyclist want to run down an innocent saint?, I mean there’s the makings of a short story in that alone, they can also act as inspiration for potential writers. wink, smile.

I can see the time coming when we’ll scrap the text altogether, why bother with stupid words, they only get in the way, besides pictures are international, just post a series of emojis in a row just like the old paper dolls, well thats the way early mankind got their message across on the cave walls, then later on the old Egyptian hieroglyphs.


As I’ve said we’re going backward again, these emojis are nothing new, who remembers stories being told in this educational manner years ago in children’s books, not a great lot of difference between this below and emojis is there?

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Oh I remember them from early school.

And yes, symbols and pictures…well the younger ones are already shortening their words aren’t they…possibly with a view to conversing in pictures alone!

“R U OK M8” (are you ok, mate?)
“TTYL” (Talk to you later)


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Basic is the way forward, or Backwards, self cancelling maybe?

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