Last to post wins (Part 2)

Good morning friends and friendesses. Apparently we will be hit by a solar storm coming from a hole in the sun today. As if we needed another weather worry.

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Morning Lasters! Did anyone leave brekkie for me then? Tea, even?

Solar storm? Really
it must have got lost on the way then, because there ain’t no sunshine here. just stormy stormy weather. Rain and wind

evening people of the last spot or not

well a sunny day, and still warm and able to sit outside, with a drinkies of course

gardener made a great job, things are looking organised, just need to run the mower of the strimmed back areas tomorrow

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Evening Lasters! It poured most of the day, but I spent time clearing out cupboards, then did some baking. I made Apple & Cinnamon rolls with yogurt dough!

Oh you wanted photos? Erm
oops :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

I have to say that bit that you couldn’t cope with will be just about right for me. Not sure it will go with my glass of 17yr old Canadian Club and American Dry but I’m more than happy to give it a go. Can you deliver or shall I collect?

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Morning EZ, I shall make another batch and send them pigeon post! Can’t guarantee delivery but the box will smell nice!

Sunshine struggling to get through the busy clouds flitting across the sky. I wonder what I will do today :thinking:

good morning Pix, sun is struggling here too, but i have high hopes

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Morning Mr Macy! :wave: How are your hedgehogs doing?

Good morning Cyber Buddies. I shall be taking my Granddaughter and her friend for a midday meal today. Indoors unfortunately as they both have a fear of wasps. Enjoy a wasp free day whatever you intend to put yourself through.

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EZ, my word
your wasps are earlier than ours
we don’t get them until September :scream:

hedgehogs doing well, i set them a conundrum, the feeding station has always been down the bottom of the garden, which is a long walk, so i moved it up onto the top lawn in view of the lounge patio doors, come winter we can put the outside light on to see them, and clever blighters they have found where the food is now

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That’s when they’re at their most aggressive. Eating fallen apples and pears.

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they have there own crab apple tree, plenty for them when they fall, hedgehogs that is

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That reads as if the hedgehogs are falling from the trees! :joy:

well spotted

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Spotted hedgehogs falling from the apple trees
your garden is quite magical really isn’t it? :joy:

Possibly three more months of overly hot weather! OMG!

Define “overly hot” :thinking:

Our temps aren’t going above 20°C for another two weeks, then it will be a whole 21°C :smiley:

Morning Lasters! Just gone 04:30 and I was woken up by an owl of all things. Makes a difference from partygoers and sirens! Love this country life! :smiley:

good morning all and sunday, what a treat Pix, you’ll be doing a wild garden next

btw hows your new garden coming along

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