Just got back from the vets - 2 possible ops

Great to hear that Gertie doesn’t need more glue Mups, she probably wouldn’t be happy if they had to mess with her wound again. Lets hope that she won’t have to see the vet too often, in the near future.:smiley:

Thanks Twinks. She’s just got to go back Friday for another check, but she is much more her old self this morning.

I heard her putting her front paws through the baby gate this morning, rattling it about to try and get it open and come and find me.
She was so excited, and did that funny gormless ‘grin’ when she saw me.
I love that funny face she pulls, it always makes me laugh. So good to see her happy again. :smiley:

So glad to hear she’s feeling better. Onward and upward for your little family now mups.

Hope so Julie. She’s got her last check up on Friday, but I’m pretty sure she’s going the right way now. :slight_smile:

Many hugs to you all and happy grinning in the morning …

Thanks very much Rachel. :slight_smile: x

I am glad that Grinning Gertie is on the mend, Mups. How is furry Mups doing now - no more problems with her tail?

Mups I find it so hard to work out which dog is on your photos, so I have an idea… Could you please list your dogs names, in age order, and then give each one a coloured bow ( which must be worn for each photo) to suit their personalities.
Here are a few suggestions:-

mellow Mups could wear Yellow
naughty Nellie could wear Red
grinning Gertie could wear Green

I will let you choose the others because you know them better than I do… but they don’t feature so often in your panic days…so I imagine they are good and could maybe choose their own colours.:lol:

Just think I could then look at their photos and immediately think " Oh look, that is…"

Hah. Two of them look almost identical, even to me.
They have all got different colour collars but that doesn’t show in photo’s really.

Also at the moment Gertie has her best summer vest tops on.:smiley: Plus she is a browny-cream, and the only one who can do the weird grin.

Iz is much darker than anyone else, almost black when she’s just been clipped.

It is really just the two middle ones, Lif & Nellie that look like identical twins, but they are related so I’m not surprised. Very different temperaments though.

Sometimes I just call them and say “Come here . . . . . whoever you are.” :lol:

Mups tail lump has shrunk considerably, I’m so glad I didn’t let him cut her tail off. I’ve been giving her a herbal medicine a friend recommended. :023:

Great news about Mups I am so pleased she is getting better. My sister had a shadow on her liver, which turned out to be a benign tumour that fed on oestrogen. As she was getting older and her levels were dropping it managed to disappear in 2 years… so maybe Mup’s lump will too.:slight_smile:

I bet you are glad that Nellie and Lif are so different in nature. Otherwise you would have to grow even more strawberries.:mrgreen:

Last check up (hopefully), Friday 2.20.

Another excuse to see your gorgeous Vet !!

Seriously, Mups, I hope all goes well for Gertie.

[SIZE=“3”]My little Gertie has just got the all clear. [/SIZE]

I am so pleased. I can take her vest off now and he said as long as she doesn’t go too mad for a wee bit longer, she should be fine.

It takes a little longer for her internal muscles and bits to completely heal, hence I mustn’t let her go too bonkers or run her for miles just yet. But the worse is now over.


Brilliant news worrying over thank goodness. I was losing sleep there over her and she’s not even mine :shock::mrgreen:

Wonderful news Mups.
She will be pleased to be ‘naked’ once again in this weather.

Purrs and hugs xx

Good for Gertie.

Well that is a blow Gertie, how are you going to get your mum to give you all your own way now you are better?:mrgreen::mrgreen::mrgreen:

She will find some way - little minx - but I am glad that she and furry Mups are both better. Maybe our Mups can put her feet up and relax while waiting for the next adventure !!

Thank you Julie, Rachel, Nom, Twink and Tabs, seems all is well now, thank goodness.

Gertie says thank you for all your good wishes, and she will try to resume normal ‘duties’ a.s.a.p.


“Mischief here I come!”

So pleased Gertie has the all clear, Mups :smiley: