I bought a smartwatch yesterday, well it is more of a cross between a smartwatch and an activity tracker. After my stem cell transplant I hope to be more active.
It was £74.99 at John Lewis which was strange as everywhere else it is £150 even on Amazon. It’s only been out a couple of weeks so maybe John Lewis got some in stock then decided that they didn’t want to sell that model any more hence the reduction. Should I show a picture? It’s a Fitbit Versa Lite and fits on my right wrist comfortably. It syncs with the Fitbit app on my phone, but doesn’t need my phone to operate, ie. I can exercise, go for a walk without my phone and all the exercise data will be saved and I can sync later. It also has a 4 day battery life but no GPS.
It tracked my sleep very accurately last night, including when I woke up at 2 and had to go to the loo.
And I like that I can control the music on my iPhone with the watch.
Hi Ffosse.
Mate, it’s great to hear that you’re feeling so much better right now. You’re out and about and enjoying some special time away from the hospital to freely do as you wish.
The fitbit device is a great way to track your progress.; No need to overdo things but if you can walk a little further each day it’s great not only for the body but for the soul too and that in turn will ease that anxiety you suffer from. You take those hospital trips in your stride too. They are essential for your wellbeing and recovery and you will get there bud, I know it.
You appear to have your diet on the right track too, which will give you your daily intake of calories and vitamins. Keep a check on that buddy.
Take care matey
Dreamy you will always have full support on this forum.
That is why I linked you here, as members here actually do care.
Keep us updated.
Thoughts and prayers as always.
You are the bravest person I know over this. x
I don’t know about bravery; it’s more like I feel locked in to this whole process.
A good friend did tell me to do exactly what the hospital told me to and so far I haven’t deviated from this.
But I’m about to have 3 of Scotland’s finest sausages plus a baked potato and baked beans for my tea. The butcher is more like a deli which is renowned for the quality of its meat and has won so many awards, restaurants use their products. The only time I previously had their sausages was in the stovies I bought there last week.
I opted for the beef ones - they were free as my friend, Andy, won a years worth of sausages there (up to 1kg a week) in a competition/raffle. I’ve got some extra ones in the freezer.
A nurse from the hospital phoned me and they want me in at 10am on Wednesday as expected.
I’m mostly ready, just a few things like toiletries to add to my bags. The bigger picture I don’t know. I’m scared of the procedure because 2 to 5 per cent of people die from it; they get nasty infections. The consultant told me that it is more or less a given that I would get an infection. Still, I’d be in the right place if anything went wrong.
I’ve downloaded quite a few things to watch onto my iPad and I’ve got plenty of books to read so I shouldn’t get bored. Last time, with just my phone it was excruciating typing on such a small screen; the iPad is much better in that regard. I’ll continue to post on here of course.
Ffosse, firstly good luck for Wednesday, I hope all goes well for you.
Secondly, it’s only natural that you are scared of the procedure, the majority of people feel exactly the same when they have to face an operation. You have excellent Consultants, Doctors and Nurses who will look after you through this so, as your good friend said, listen to them and do everything they say and they will see you through this.
My best wishes to you, I’ll be thinking of you. :hug:
Thanks, I’m all ready to go apart from last minute things like toiletries and such.
I downloaded a bunch of films and documentaries onto my iPad to keep me entertained (hopefully) although I may not feel like watching them. Sorry, just realised that I’ve already mentioned this in this thread.
Still the iPad will come in handy for forums too. My iPhone had the grunt to access forums, it was just that typing on it was a penance.
Yes, Sweetie, I’m more organised than at other times - I know which clothes I would wear and which I wouldn’t for example. I even know which watch I’m going to wear lol. I’m just now charging my toothbrush and shaver.
Good luck at the hospital tomorrow, Ffosse.
You sound all set for the procedure and it’s reassuring that you’re much more positive at the moment and I’m sure you’ll take it all in your stride bud.
Take care
Well, I’m in the hospital but, as I thought, relegated to their backroom as they don’t have a bed free. I would have thought they would have sorted this out by now - originally I wanted to come here at 12, otherwise its just wasted time by being here early. I can see it being 4 o clock before I get a bed, time I could have spent in bed. I did ask for noon to turn up but they insisted on 10. There’s nothing to do except play with my phone. They didn’t notice the single vodka on my breath as I felt anxious about 7 am and it will have worn off by now. I’ve actually been up since 5 am but still got 8 hours sleep last night.
I’m so glad I brought my earphones as I really missed music last time I was in. My bags felt heavy, probably due to my toiletries and shaver.
They’re inserting a PICC line ( peripherally inserted centralized catheter) which goes to the top of my heart and is sterile for weeks on end. I didn’t think getting a line inserted would be this complicated.