And I’ve been told that I’ll be in for around 3 weeks.
At least you have music, you are very organised.
You poor thing, you are so brave, I am praying hard that you get through this Dreamy.
That long!!! Keep us updated.
They took some blood which they sent off for analysis (30 minutes), so I’m guessing it won’t be long now for this procedure which is quite complex.
It does seem that way. Stay calm Dreamy.
Three weeks is a long time.
It’s good to hear things have started moving now Ffosse, you are doing well going through all these stages so well done to you. You WILL get through this Ffosse, stay positive, negative thoughts won’t help you.
You will be given plenty of time to recover and get stronger before you return home, three weeks will soon go by and hopefully you will be able to start enjoying your life again.
Thinking of you :hug:
I hope so. They’ve finished putting this line in now and then I’m due for an x-ray soon.
Good luck matey and just make sure they discharge you before the 28th day (even if they re-admit you again the following day) otherwise you’ll lose your PIP and have fight the DWP to get it re=instated.
Bless you, for reminding him.
[LEFT][/LEFT]Thanks; I’m hoping it’ll be more like 2 to 3 weeks. That’s when the real boredom of hospital kicks in.
Yes I can imagine.
Does the TV work?
I have a thread in General chat, I know you like your clothes. Take a peek. X
I’m still waiting for a bed.
Oh dear, I hope they find one for you very soon Ffosse
I’ve been here 9 and a quarter hours, why not tell me tomorrow if there’s no beds available?
Oh dear, what will happen now?
I’ve now got my own room and am resting on top of the bed. It’s been a long day. It’s one of the best rooms in the hospital with a view south over the castle and the Pentlands. One of the nurses admired my new shoes.
I think that tomorrow I’ll start the chemo as I now have the line in. But no more pesky cannula to deal with.
This is good, Ffosse. They’re looking after you at present - you must be one of their best customers!
Seriously, all the best for a smooth operation. Hope it all goes well bud.
Thank goodness.x
Good Night Dreamy.x
It’s been entirely too long, but I’m caught up and seem to have arrived just in time for the good news that you are finally ready for the procedure!
Heartfelt congratulations on the reduction in the size of your lymph nodes, but what comes through the last couple of weeks is how positive and determined you sound! It was wonderful to read that you were out and about and that you are all set with activities to keep yourself entertained.
And…you have a room with a view! Wonderful.
Take it easy, follow instructions to the letter, and get plenty of sleep when you can. I’ll be thinking about you!
It’s all sounding good Ffosse, good luck.
Thanks, I feel fine and slept 7 hours. The hospital bed is comfort than my own. I’m sure I’ll start some kind of treatment today but an unsure what, probably some chemo.
This line that goes from my upper arm down to near my heart is great. No more canulas and the pain they caused. My line can quite happily stay in for weeks.