I've had my chest x-ray

So sorry Dreamy, I have been on walkabout.
Do you have sunshine?
Enjoy your meal.

Not much sunshine here today but I didnā€™t get out. Iā€™ve mainly been on the internet today catching up with some sites I havenā€™t been to for a while and window shopping computers. Not that I need a new computer.

Iā€™ve had some wi-fi issues lately and the broadband people at SSE havenā€™t been terrifically helpful. Basically, my internet has been working for about 10 minutes then it goes off. Iā€™ve been resetting my router and that seems to fix it until 10 minutes later.

I had some problems with WiFi this year, it is fine now, EE was brilliant.
Sorry, you had no sun, we had the most wonderful sunset, I wish I had taken a photo now.
My TV recorder does that!!! We should both post that on the annoying thread.:slight_smile:

Nice and sunny today, but not very warm outside.

No, it is still early in the season.
I have enjoyed today.

Hope you are OK. X

Here I am, back at the Anne Ferguson building - Iā€™ve got here too early it seems once again. Iā€™m in the cafe upstairs so am having a hot pork, cheese and pickle roll and a cup of tea. It seems that today will just be a formality, a signing of papers then I shouldnā€™t have anything else until April 10th when Iā€™ll be admitted.

Iā€™m feeling pretty good despite some neck pain for which I have the instructions but seldom practise my physio. I did a bit last night but I had some pain whilst in bed. I need to practise more often. But my outlook is more positive. Itā€™s cold and Iā€™m already looking forward to my time later on this afternoon in front of the heater, reading or on here.

No panic or even anxiety on the way here. I got my PIP today and that what itā€™s for - mobility and the odd sausage roll and cup of tea.

Of course, knowing my luck, Iā€™ll probably be struck by food poisoning.

I got a come-on from Wiltshire farm foods yesterday and guess what? They are based in Crieff, Perthshire. All my motherā€™s family were from Crieff and I know it wellā€¦so whatā€™s wrong with Perthshire farmfoods I wonder?

The Consultant went through the whole procedure with me. He said there was a 2 to 5% chance of death; but thatā€™s against a 90% plus chance of death if I donā€™t have the procedure. Today was the last day I could have opted out.

If I was a Christian Scientist like some people are, Iā€™d be dead by now.

Ffosse :slight_smile: you are sounding a lot more positive as the days go by, keep it up :023:

You appear to be taking it all in your stride now, which is a big improvement so well done!

Thanks, Mags - itā€™s partly getting used to healthy routines like always having my breakfast, getting out a bit more and sleeping well. Iā€™ve no idea why Iā€™m sleeping so much but it isnā€™t because Iā€™m ill. I think the chemotherapy helped me and I feel a boost in my energy levels. Now I need the stem cell transplant to kill off the lymphoma.

The Consultant today explained that it will help against the non-Hodgkins lymphoma too, but of course that canā€™t be cured.

Sorry I have not been here for you Dreamy.
You are and always be in my thoughts and prayers.

I think Iā€™ve got a feverā€¦last night I awoke at 4am freezing cold my body was shaking. Not too cold now but I have a headache. I do hope this is just a bug and not my lymphoma which can give you infections.

I hope youā€™ll feel better soon Ffosse, there appears to be a spate of viruses going around at the moment.

Take things easy and stay warm.

It could be a change in the weather pattern natey - we have yet another storm system winding up and bringing snow, sleet, hail and rain and you might just have noticed as the system passess over you.

Oh Dreamy we had hail yesterday, it has turned cold again. Do let us all know.

Yes, the fairly sudden switch from high pressure to low pressure systems can affect the body.

I feel a bit better now - I took one extra painkiller.

Thanks for letting us know, you know how I worry. x

Good Night Dreamy.x

I think it was just a blip in my recovery, but a fairly unpleasant one. I almost got caught in the rain yesterday but got home just as it was really starting to pour down around 2pm.