My dental appointment went fine meaning there’s nothing wrong with my teeth that would stop me getting the transpant; same for respiratory function. They match you up with other adults the same age and measure the difference. Apparently my lungs are in good shape.
Cardiac tomorrow morning. I tend to prefer morning appointments as there is less traffic going back but today I beat the rush hour by some distance.
2 appointments in one day - I’m sure I can make it to 4 appointments in 3 days by Friday. Then I hope it’s appointment free until my admission on April 10th. I have noticed that I am stronger outside, not so knackered as I once was by walking short distances. There are side-effects of the transplant, though but I’ll cross that bridge when I get to it.
Well done Dreamy, you are doing well. Of course, you will make it, we are all rooting for you.
Don’t worry about the side- effects for now, just prepare.
Thank you both. I’ll need to get up a bit earlier than usual tomorrow. I don’t want to be rushing off to the hospital at the last moment so I’ve set alarms for 6:30 am. I’ve found that if you turn up early there’s a fair chance of being seen earlier.
I’m up early. I must have made this trip today dozens of times in the past 2 and a half, nearly 3 years. In the old days I got the bus; but the bus stop is quite a long way from my house and uphill. It does stop just outside the hospital, though.
I got here - half an hour early plus I had the bonus of having a taxi driver who was a mad Hibernian fan like me. So we spent 15 minutes talking about foot
It’s nearing the time I should call a taxi to take me to my appointment but I’m feeling a little nervous. Partly its just my panic disorder but the other part is that I’ll have to outpour my feelings to somebody new to me. Still, I’ll manage and I’ll have completed 4 out of 4 appointments since Wednesday.
I should probably feel a lot better once I’ve talked, though. I’m still of that generation which doesn’t like discussing emotions. Although it’s easy in forums due to not having someone right in front of me. I’m still a modern man.
Appointment over. I feel pretty good. The idea of having a CPN was floated but it was suggested we wait until after my transplant which isn’t far off now. She was a nice lady and had a medical student with her who looked like he was in his 40s, nice too. They’re going to liaise with my medical team to find out what’s best and most appropriate for me. This will involve getting out of the house more though.
I told them of my delirium fears and they were understanding.
On the way home I visited an independent bakers shop and couldn’t believe their chocolate eclairs were only 80p each and the one I bought was delicious. You would easily pay £3 elsewhere for this and it probably wouldn’t be as good. I’ve resolved to go down there and see what their pies and sausage rolls are like, you know, just something to go with baked beans or oven chips. Outstanding value, I think - maybe that’s why they’ve stayed open in the face of Gregs and Subway: good food at great prices.
And I walked all the way back home. 1 mile doesn’t sound like much but it was nearly all uphill and longer than I’ve managed for some time. I walked the same distance back from Argos the other day but that was downhill all the way.
I feel pleased that I’ve got these 4 appointments out of the way, but feel like there might be a sneaky appointment to see my consultant next Thursday or around about then. I can go to NHS ECOMMS and find out if there are any letters waiting for me there.
Just checked NHS ECOMMS and the last letter there was for my cardio yesterday. So, hopefully I can spend the next 12 days or so building up my strength and learning how to relax more.
Ffosse this is great news! I’m so pleased for you, you’re really doing well.
Stay positive and remember to pace yourself…this is hard when you’re doing well, but very important!
Great news Ffosse, you have done really well this week and achieved a lot. You appear more positive in your way of thinking and that will give you more confidence to face things in the future .
They phoned and snuck in another appointment…to see my Consultant on Monday to go over the consent forms. For the love of Christ, I wish they would just leave me alone for a while. I’m sick to the back teeth of the hospital, anxiety attacks and taxis.
I plan on just chilling this weekend, listening to music, maybe doing some reading…I’ll be OK by Monday. I may get the bus and sit up top by the front so I don’t feel crowded, even though it’s a trek to the bus stop.
I echo what Mags and others have said today, Ffosse. It’s looking good for you at the moment. I’m loving the vibes!
Take Monday’s appointment in your stride but meanwhile enjoy your weekend mate
Thanks, Floydy - I’m enjoying a relaxing Saturday - listening to the Moody Blues and browsing the internet. Am going to have baked potatoes with cheese and onion later.
When I ordered potatoes from Tesco, I thought they would send 2 large potatoes but it turns out that the pack has 4 smaller ones so I’ll be eating 2 of those instead of 1 large one.