I’m already worried about the appointments - why couldn’t they be on the same day?
The free headphones I got yesterday have assuaged my urge to buy something new - it’s got to the stage where I just don’t need anything, I’ve got everything I need apart from some new shoes. I may take a taxi down to Ocean Terminal shopping centre later today though. They have an M & S so at least I can buy some food. There is also a shoe shop there so I’ll wait and see if there’s anything I like. If I do buy new shoes I want them to match my other clothes. I tend to stick to black. I’ve got blue suede shoes I’ve hardly worn. I’ve also got a pair of green suede shoes by Ted Baker which I got in a sale at TK Maxx, reduced from £139 to £37. I’ve worn these about twice. And that was around 3 years ago.
But I need something nice, tough and practical. I’ve got a pair of black shoes I just don’t like because they are slightly big despite having two of those spongy things you put in your shoes, insoles? There’s nothing worse than having shoes that hurt or just don’t fit with your attire. You’ll know all about shoes, Sweetie.
I recently bought another watch, a shaver and a new vaper. It’s so easy for me to buy things. I recently returned a £1700 Tag Carrera to the jewellers I bought it from. It broke after just 6 months - it wouldn’t wind properly. You would expect it not to break down after just 6 months. You could say watches are my hobby, but I have about 7 of them now. It’s the same with clocks…I have about 7 of those also.
Yes I know about shoes, I think most of the forum know I have hundreds of them. They all fit, but, I could go for a whole year wearing different shoes or boots.
I also have a few watches, but, I mainly wear my cheap Argos one.
I hope you have gone shopping now and are enjoying your day.
As for appointments, I sometimes wonder if they do it on purpose Dreamy, nothing is simple these days.
I did get some new shoes from Schuh - the same place I bought the last ones. I can’t fault them as I’ve worn my Vans black trainers for over a year and a half and only now are they starting to fall apart. I must have worn them nearly every day.
So I bought a new pair of Vans; they’re almost identical to my old pair minus some decoration and they advertise themselves as comfy fit. I think the material inside is a little thicker. I got them in all black as they don’t really look like a trainer, more like normal shoes yet they have a canvas build with rubber soul. I expect them to last me another year and a half or more. They’re pretty well built, Vans. I think £60 was reasonable.
I also visited M & S where I got 3 of their Italian meals for £7 (I’m not quite up to cooking for myself yet), some apples, crisps and an Eton Mess dessert. In total I spent £88 today including taxis.
Not bad Dreamy, and I am glad you got out today.
A pic of your new shoes/trainers would be nice, but no worries if you don’t want to.
Enjoy your meals. Eton mess makes me smile as I lived so close to Eton as a child.
I don’t change the shoes I wear very often - maybe I should. I like the comfy sensation of these though and there’s no chance of getting blisters with these.
Thanks Floydy and AnnieS - I haven’t gotten round to wearing them yet. My old Vans probably have a couple of months life left in them and I wear them in the house and when I visit the shop down below.
I’ll wear them on Wednesday, though, I have 2 appointments: the dental department at the hospital for which I have a 2:15 slot then my 3:30 respiratory function test. The next day, Thursday I have a heart scan at 10am.
I wish they could have crammed all 3 appointments into the same day as I hate travelling to the hospital and using taxis, but I guess that’s what my PIP money is for: mobility.
Apparently, I missed an appointment with the psychiatric team who are based in the opposite side of the city, a mile or so from the house. But I didn’t get a letter from them. No doubt it’ll turn up in the post. It annoys me no end when something like this happens.
Can I just mention Ffosse that you’re sounding much chirpier at the moment. You’re taking part in more threads and starting lots of them yourself and you sound really upbeat, which is very good to hear
I wouldn’t worry about the psychiatrist to be honest, it might make you more prone to anxiety and those panic attacks.
Hope your appointments all go okay for you next week bud
Thanks, Floydy. I can’t help it but I do worry about things like will I be able to find the right departments. I’m not shy about asking people for directions, though, if I need them. I’ve never been to any of those places before except for the cardiac one.
And you’re right my mood has lifted, partly because the scan showed that the 3 lymph nodes in my abdomen have shrunk - the chemo worked, so it’s on with the cell transplant with these appointments in between. I’ll be glad once they are done because there shouldn’t be anything else I need do until my admission date of April 10th. There is no surgery with the transplant just intravenously it will be done. I’m glad as I hated the knocking out a general anaesthetic does.
I’m in the right place - the Western General Hospital is regarded as one of the best places for haemotology patients.
I’ve had a good day. With a friend I visited a bistro-type place near my house where I ordered Nachos. They were the best nachos I’ve ever had with plenty of cheese and the salsa, guacamole and sour cream were presented in individual lettuce leaves. I also had a corona beer (stuff the doctors) then it was on to the mobile phone repair shop where the owner also sells a lot of stuff.
I bought a clear case for my iPhone as it’s slimmer than the one I’ve currently got, plus a tempered glass screen protector and a new sim card which was free. The only downside is that the vape shop didn’t have the coils I need for my vaper.
In Crombies butchers (which is quite famous) I bought a 1Kg tub of stovies reduced down to £2.50 because they have tomorrow’s date on them. I’ll eat some tonight then freeze the rest.
I don’t have any appointments until Wednesday - I spent the whole weekend thinking they were on Tuesday.
Up early in anticipation of my appointments today _ I"m not looking forward to the dental one. Tomorrow I have cardiac and on Friday I’m to see a mental health worker (that one isn’t at the hospital but in a place called Inchkeith House not too far from my house).