I've had my chest x-ray

I’m trying to stay calm. I went to the toilet and when I came back they had taken my water away. I had drunk most of it though.

I had to drink a litre of it in an hour.

It can also be tea, I think???
I am hoping the results are good. x

Had my scan and am just waiting for the taxi home. Bought a £4 meal deal from the shop. Chicken and chor-e-tho sandwich, crisps and Pepsi.

Yay, it is done Dreamy. x
See you are fine. xxx
Make sure you eat a hot meal later.
I am proud of you. xxxx

I am now home and eating a packet of crisps - I’m going to have some hot porridge later on, nearing bedtime as someone recommended it for sleep.

The timing of my readmission on Ward 8 on Thursday depends on my scan results today - they are going to phone me tomorrow.

Panic is a strange beast; it can strike suddenly or withdraw just as quickly. Today I was lucky and only a little anxious.

I’m pleased to hear today went well for you Ffosse :slight_smile:

Just remember how well you did today Dreamy.
Keep us posted. x

Thanks folks - now I’m anticipating readmission tomorrow, packing my bags again. I don’t know how long I’ll be in this time around or what the stay is for.

I can only assume it’s for more chemotherapy as my stem cell transplant must be a few weeks away.

Good Morning Dreamy.
I will be back later, to see how you are. X

I’m fine apart from being very worried about panic attacks yesterday. I’m eating and sleeping well, spending my time on the internet or on here.

Yesterday evening a friend whom I met in hospital (he’s been through a cancer similar to mine) came round and fixed my DVR box. I’d done something to it and wasn’t getting my channels but he fixed it in about 5 minutes, one plug was inserted into the wrong port of the telly. I’ve got all my recordings back although there is so much I record and never get round to watching.

Having read some of your previous posts Ffosse I am sorry you’ve been having such a really rough time. Good though to see that you appear to be improving while still undergoing treatment. Keep positive, I sincerely hope your situation continues to improve.

My other reason for posting is that I know someone who had anxiety and panic attacks and found that CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) helped massively. This was advised by her GP and is widely recognised as a very successful therapy, far better for some people than taking pills. Perhaps this could be a help to you? :slight_smile:

Thanks, I’ve tried CBT and Mindfulness but they only seem to work for a short time with me then it’s back to where I was. I think I need to practise them more.

I’ve just to turn up at the ward tomorrow between 11 and 12. They don’t have the scan results yet, and tomorrow I may be waiting in their back room for a while until a bed is ready. Hope it’s a single room like it normally is.

I hope so Dreamy. Keep us updated.

Great news, the scan results show that the lymph nodes in my abdomen have shrunk so I don’t need to go into hospital today.

What happens next is that in the coming weeks I’ll get appointments to check me up before the stem cell transplant takes place in a few weeks time.

And to think I’ve already packed my bags for today! I’m just glad that I can get a bit of peace in the meantime instead of having people poke at my body trying to find a good vein for a canula.

I haven’t had a break in a long time I can hardly believe it. I think this calls for a spot of retail therapy - I do need a new pair of shoes unless Sweetie has some in her collection that might fit me.

I’m going to keep my bags packed in the meanwhile, might as well rotate my clothes a bit.

Oh Dreamy such good news.
Sorry I am a size 6.
See my prayers were answered. X
Go out and spoil yourself.
Come back and let us all know what you bought. X

I think I’m staying in today, it’s natural for me to buy things when I’ve had good news and slightly manic. When I gave 2K to the Maggies cancer charity they even phoned my consultant to be sure that I was of sound mind given my psychiatric history. Thankfully I was of sound mind, just a bit manic.

Ok just chill for today Dreamy.
Don’t be tempted to look online.
That is my downfall.:lol:

I’ve to in next week twice for appointments which I’m not looking forward to and my transplant date is April 11th. I will go in to hospital on the 10th.

How are you feeling today Dreamy?

Try not to worry about the appointments.
A little retail therapy?