I think it’s just a case of waiting. I fear the delirium more than anything cancer related. I will have contact with psychiatric services, it’s just not going to be immediately…and I’m too well now to remain in hospital, which I don’t want to really.
Ffosse, it’s good to hear that you are able to return home again, it’s your thoughts of what could happen on your own that is getting you so stressed.
I hope you don’t mind me asking this but does your sister live very far away from you? Could she possibly visit you daily to keep a check on how you are coping? Or is there anyone else in your family who could help out by doing this occasionally?
No, she lives on the other side of the city and is always busy babysitting. My closest friend is flying to London tomorrow for a few days. I’ll manage. I’ll make sure I keep in touch with people online.
Thanks for the links, Sweetie; I think I’m going to enquire at the council directly; I don’t mind paying for care.
I’m well rested and ready to go. I’ve got 3 heavy bags so I’ll see if one of the nurses can give me a hand getting me down to the taxi. Then it’s only 20 minutes in the taxi to home.
I’d like to thank everyone who contributed to this thread during my 15 day stay in hospital - it really helped boost my morale.
I am glad you are going home Dreamy. X
Do be careful my lovely friend.
Yes you will have to pay, but at least it is support for what you need help with.
Keep us posted. X
I’m still waiting for the pharmacy. They use these dossette boxes which I don’t like. I prefer having my medication from a box. I’m getting a little anxious and impatient now.
So, I’m back home after struggling a bit with my packing and phoning a taxi. I wonder why though as they want me back next week.
I received a letter and I’ve to go for a scan next Tuesday then to be readmitted to the Ward on Wednesday. Still, they provided phone numbers of whom to phone if I’m not well over the weekend and said that if I felt at all delusional then to phone haemotology straight away.
I’m glad of the treatment I received but it has been a huge upheaval in my life, the cancers and the constant in and out of hospitals.
I’ve bought a frozen pizza for my tea and I have a banana drink for later. I’ve got a largish washing to do but am going to put it off until tomorrow morning then hang up my clothes to dry. I don’t think I’ll feel up to much ironing though. The space heater is on but I don’t see the need to heat the whole house so I’m leaving the central heating off (if it works as it’s broken down 10 times this winter).
Try to relax now you are home Dreamy.
I am praying that the scan will show positive results.
I am not keen on pizza, but you enjoy.
We are all here for you, you know that. x
Thanks, Sweetie - it’s good to know I have some online friends who care.
I have cared for years Dreamy. xxxx
Good to know you are home for a while Ffosse.
I hope you will have a peaceful and relaxing weekend.
Thanks, I’ll have to go for some food shopping tomorrow but will be taking it easy, getting a taxi there and back.
Don’t push yourself Dreamy.
I meant to post cared about you in my previous post.
Stupid me.
Strange waking up in my own bed again.
I haven’t noticed any symptoms or anything. Last night I just had a pizza from the shop below but must go out for some food today. The weather is rotten, cold and snowy although the snow isn’t really sticking to anything.
I’m now worrying about my CT scan on Tuesday - I know I shouldn’t as it will come and go but I can’t help it. I don’t know what I would do without taxis, I’ll probably use one again today. I worry about panic attacks: I had a bad one on Wednesday and another yesterday just prior to leaving hospital. I know they aren’t life threatening but it feels like it at the time.
Good Afternoon Dreamy.
Panic attacks are frightening, you have your phone numbers if needed.
Do buy some proper heathy food today.
The CT scan is important, hopefully it will be good results eh?
I can’t believe you have snow!
It is very windy in the south, but no snow.
Do be careful my lovely friend.
At least you have your PIP to help with taxi costs, that is exactly what it is for. X
Don’t forget to make enquiries about care packages.
I will look back later, to see how your day is going. X
Hi Ffosse.
This is certainly encouraging news. You up and about and at home enjoying a relatively normal schedule of things. It will do you good to go shopping, just take things easy and don’t be rushing around too much, you have plenty of time. Settle down with a decent DVD tonight too.
Good luck with the scan on Tuesday bud
Thanks Floydy, I surprised myself by how well I felt in the shopping centre. I returned my faulty Tag and against my promise not to buy another watch I ended up with one. I didn’t pay silly money, but I told myself that a hobby is still a hobby even though I’m ill. And I saved quite a bit of money by being in hospital.
I’m off to Argos tomorrow just to buy a shaving adaptor I need for my razor that I bought whilst in hospital.
I like how stealthy it looks and it’s completely different from the other 6 watches in my collection. The valuable ones are in my will including the one I’m having repaired. That repair will take around 2 months.
It’s great to check in here to find that you are enjoying home along with the simple pleasures of a little shopping and getting out some. Nothing wrong with treating yourself!
A CT scan is a piece of cake - quieter and quicker than an MRI. You’ll do just fine.