I've had my chest x-ray

Having the harvesting of my blood cells today. I am on the way now in a taxi.

Thinking of you Ffosse, hope it goes well for youā€¦

Not alone I hope matey ???

I am now hooked up to this machine which separates my blood and harvests the stem cells. It should take around 4 hours or more.

But it wonā€™t be finished today - Iā€™ll have to come back tomorrow.

No they supplied a qualified nurse just like yesterday to get the open line put in. And any future days.

Thanks Mags and Uncle Joe for the support.

Itā€™s good that they havenā€™t kept you waiting around this morning Ffosse, itā€™s the delays and waiting that usually cause frustration and distress.

Yes, a prompt start. It will be 4pm before Iā€™ve finished, though. During the taxi ride, I saw parts of Edinburgh I hadnā€™t seen in years. All the shops have changed and building work has transformed the city landscape.

Youā€™re welcome matey, its a real bugger having to attend hospital on a regular basis, even though, since there is a good Transport cafe nearby I do get my ā€˜full englishā€™ every week.

Iā€™ve not had bacon for so long and I really miss it.

In general, the hospital food is very good but the portions are a little small. The staff will supply biscuits and toast and cheese at night, though so I have never gone to bed hungry. A trolley comes round with tea, coffee and biscuits quite regularly.

Iā€™ve been in for 25 of the last 30 days now, with 5 days at home in between so Iā€™m kind of feeling institutionalised. I didnā€™t realise that travelling by taxi between hospitals on consecutive days and the not knowing of it all would impact on my anxiety levels quite so much though.

I feel anxious a lot of the time - despite the diazepam. Also, I worry about living alone again. Whether Iā€™ll cope with the bath and other things. Itā€™s always when Iā€™m alone that the delerium has started. And I worry about becoming delirious without knowing it, like in the past.

That was nice for you.

Sorry Dreamy, I am just catching up here.
You will need a care package when you return home, also an alarm button thing that Joe told you about.
Take care and keep us updated, you are always in my thoughts and prayers. x

Thatā€™s the harvesting finished. They may have collected enough stem cells so I wonā€™t have to come back tomorrow but I wonā€™t find out until Iā€™m back later tonight. Then they can remove the main line on my neck. Iā€™m shattered; itā€™s been a long day and it wonā€™t be over until Iā€™m back in my hospital room.

I hope they are satisfied that they have enough stem cells Ffosse, then you can relax when you get back to your room and hopefully have a good sleep.

Yes, fingers crossed. I donā€™t want to go back to that hospital again tomorrow.

Edit: great news, they harvested enough stem cells, more than enough so the line has now been taken out of my jugular vein and I donā€™t have to go back to the other hospital tomorrow.

The transplant will be a few weeks away. Theyā€™re going to review me tomorrow and I may get back home for a couple of hours tomorrow afternoon.

No way I could do without my bacon Foss.
Donā€™t they offer it on the breakfast or lunch menu?

Last time I was in hospital for a bit, the main thing I remembered was the naff foodā€¦:frowning:

Excellent news Dreamy. X
I hope you do get home tomorrow.
Sweet dreams. X

Iā€™m at home nowā€¦just for a few hours while I take some washing back and check my post. Iā€™ve also remembered to collect my headphones as music was one of the things I was missing in hospital and itā€™s not the same listening to a phoneā€™s speakers.

I feel good, although Iā€™ve found out that Iā€™ve got another CAT scan next Tuesday. The appointments never seem to stop but itā€™s a lot easier attending them when Iā€™m in hospital.

Iā€™ve also changed watches as I donā€™t want my dear one to be in hospital with me, not that I think anyone would steal it, Iā€™ve been fortunate so far, but a cheaper watch is more practical than constantly wearing a 4k watch. The only expensive thing in hospital with me is my iPad which I need.

Glad you are home for a break Dreamy.
Donā€™t overdo things whilst you are there.
I agree about the watch.
At least you can listen to music when you return.
Keep us posted. X

Iā€™m to go home tomorrow. Pleased but mixed feelings about there not being a care package in place yet. The psychiatric team are arranging community support ie. I would see a CPN but at their office and they may make occasional home visits.

Iā€™ve to come back for a CT scan on Tuesday and dependent on the results I might need further treatment but medically Iā€™m well, or at least well enough to go home. Iā€™ve got mixed feelings but donā€™t really want to be in hospital anymore either.

Itā€™s the delirium I fear the most.

I personally worry about that too.
Why no care package for you.
Sorry Dreamy, it makes me cross.
You need support to settle.
Is there no social worker at the hospital to ask about this?
I am going to Google for you, as I have no idea about Scotland.
I will see what I can find for you. X