Hello folks, I’m feeling OK this Saturated (what’s wrong with Saturday…this Keyboard) Saturday morning . I’m feeling good as it’s sunny outside and I got bacon and eggs for my breakfast. It was like a greasy dago (Spoon) but inside hospital.
Dreamy that made me laugh.
Glad you are Ok. X
Seriously, though. The forum keeps locking me out on these passwords - it takes ages to log in again, upwards of an hour and I can never get it to remember even a really simple password.
Low signal will do that Dreamy.
You have my email.
It happens to me in some places.
I will try and post in Gibraltar, but who knows?
I can’t find my messages or pm tab usually at the top of the page.
Never mind. I’ve just had the last half of the steroids which were making me so sick and eating a bit less today as I don’t want to be sick again I’m almost never sick and I hate the feeling.
Messages I’ve found again.
Yes I am the same Dreamy. I pray you don’t
Good . X
Well I’m feeling ok today, but this room was like a freezer last night, it was windy yesterday and I think the wind was blowing straight in my direction. The window is a bit rattling.
Expecting lunch any minute - this must be the first ward in the hospital for getting your meals early. The food is always good and the menu the system is fast.
Yes, finished my baked potato, butter, coleslaw and trifle for my lunch. It was all very good.
You seem positive today Dreamy, that is good.
If on very rare occasions I am in the hospital, I take my duvet.
Ask the staff for an extra blanket.
I did get my extra blanket last night, luckily the room has heated up quite nicely and there is very little wind this coming this week although temperatures go back to normal which will feel chilly after the psychedelic second half of February we had.
Hi Ffosse,
You’re sounding very upbeat at the moment. The nurses on ward you are certainly looking after you. Nice that you’re eating properly too and that you’re warm and comfortable for a change in the room they’ve given you.
Catching up on your posts here it looks like you’re having problems with messages and passwords etc. I can tell you that your posts are showing on the forum, plus your PM’s which I have just got around to looking at), so hopefully that’s all sorted out now mate
So keep eating those delicious meals, get stronger and I’m sure you will be recovering again very soon as long as the chemo and mediaction don’t affect you too badly that is.
Take care buddy
And someone seems to have turned back on the hospital wi-fi yay…
As anyone who reads this thread I lamented the lack of wi-fi which they had it 2 years ago.
And, thanks Floydy - all sensible advice as usual.
Great news on the wi-fi Ffosse. You’ll be in your element now with music, films and posts galore!
Need to get my laptop in which I should be able to do tomorrow - bit nervous about moving it out of the house, but I’m such a fuss I have an iPad that would be better than my phone so I may grab that.
Good deal on Wifi and good choice on the iPad. Totally agree that the iPad is much better suited for the hospital…until you want to type, that is .
Which is mostly what I do on it lol…but it will be good for movies and reading and my colouring book.
I am sure it will be fine Dreamy.
But make sure you tell someone, you don’t want to lose it.
Glad you are ok. X
My Friend Andy came in with his Bluetooth keyboard to aid my typing experience. It’s for an iPad so I’ll need to find some bluetac to stick it to so I can see the screen when typing.
To be honest, though, I think I’ll just get my iPad when I go home for a few hours tomorrow to wash some clothes, hang them up and throw thwm up to dry. then they’ll be clean and I can pick them up in a few days if I need them.