I've had my chest x-ray

Hi, Ffosse, you sound like you are in better spirits and better prepared than your last hospitalization, and I wish you well. I know how good it felt to get back home for a while to have some space and reorganize for this visit.

The stem cell transplant option sounds most promising, and your team sounds very determined to find a treatment plan that works for you.

Good luck with the chemo.

Thanks Surfermom - yes I do feel in good spirits after yesterdayā€™s chemo which didnā€™t finish until 11 pm but I still woke up at 6:30 am so a very good nightā€™s sleep.

The stem cell transplant is still some time off, not until after theyā€™ve finished with this round of chemo but Iā€™m feeling good about it. The 2 doctors who travelled down from the other hospital (there are 2 big hospitals in Edinburgh) were very thorough in explaining the procedure to me and I had no trouble in signing the consent forms,

Physically I feel fine apart from one or 2 niggles but nothing compared with what Iā€™ve been through before. I think hospital rot starts to settle in after around 7 days :wink: when I start to get bored, then Iā€™ll watch a Beach Boys concert on YouTube and Iā€™ll be happy again.

The 5 days at home was, as you say, very good at unclutterling my mind. I just pottered around the house, got to the local shops with little panic and enjoying eating solid food again. What a difference that made to eating nothing for a few days then gorging myself on Ensure Plus.

I had to laugh. For ages Iā€™d wanted to transfer my iTunes music over from my Macbook to my iPhone just so I could dip into it from time to time. I mainly use streaming.

I have 9440 songs and a Macbook with only one port, I had one adaptor for the lightning to USB-C but I couldnā€™t charge the Mac as I was using that port for my phone. Well transferring and changing the codec of some songs takes time and is processor intensive, the Mac gets very warm. So I made it to 4000 songs left to sync before the Macs battery conkers out. So overnight I recharged the Mac and started the process again, I was relieved to find that the music Iā€™d transferred the first time was on the phone.

This time it completed the task with 30& battery left much to my joy.

I suppose the moral is donā€™t buy a pc with only one port. I do have an adaptor but the phone needed it to transfer from the Macs USB-C to lightning on the phone. Otherwise I love the Macbook.and this is the first time Iā€™ve had to do any thing moderately difficult on it - Windows pc users will be laughing at me, but I got my music.

Not feeling so good now from my dozens of chemo drugs they gave me this morning. Iā€™m sure it was then that the nausea then vomiting which has slowly encroached the afternoon and evening. Theyā€™ve given me an injection and tablet but it hasnā€™t made much difference.

Sorry to hear youā€™re not feeling too good after your drugs Ffosse, Iā€™m hoping the feeling will pass soon and you will be able to have a peaceful nightā€™s sleep.

Oh Dreamy I am sorry.
Chemo is poison, but it is the only way to fight the Cancer.
Try to rest my lovely friend.
I am saying prayers for you. X

Iā€™m truly sorry about the nausea. I know itā€™s a dreaded side effect. My daughter was so ill that we literally camped out on the bathroom floor when the medications didnā€™t quite do the trick. This too shall pass, so hang in there.

Iā€™d be interested in knowing more about your stem cell transplant.

Thatā€™s great on the music transfer, Ffosse, but I was wondering why you didnā€™t just access your library on your iPhone via your iTunes account directly? Music is unquestionably one of the best diversions. Are you watching an old Beach Boys concert? I saw them last year and they are coming to town again this year. They are aging like we are, but their music is timeless.

Surfermom, thanks for the kind messages of support.that goes for everyone on this thread. Iā€™ve never been this Iā€™ll while in hospital and Iā€™ve to wait for the doctorā€™s round to finish before they decide what drinks to give me. The overnight doctor didnā€™t do what she said she would. At one point in the night my pulse was 48 itā€™s never that low and 50s during the day is worrying; itā€™s always in the 70s.

I donā€™t stream music via Apple music, but have an iTunes collection. Iā€™m us Google Play Music for all my streaming music,but itā€™s good to have my iTunes music on there too.

Iā€™m doing better now, theyā€™ve change the time of some of the drugs which might help a bit. And thereā€™s only 1 more day of this chemo to go.I tend to catastrophise things at times but itā€™s not easy to communicate now that my Consultant has confirmed my delirium might return for a short while and I know that it has as Iā€™m skurring my words and forgetting words but no delusional thoughts yet.

Thinking of you Ffosse x
Youā€™re a fighter thatā€™s for sure

Youā€™re an amazing bloke Fffosse. As you know I really am rooting for you to get through this latest episode - itā€™s as if you are being treated like a guinea pig sometimes isnā€™t it mate?! :009: But you are strong-willed and you will emerge victorious when this is all sorted out. I know it.
Take care buddy. Iā€™ve replied to your PM btw :cool:

Just email me if you need to Dreamy, you know I will always be there for you. x

Thanks guys - your support on this thread has been overwhelming,

I had to get down to the serious sometime and tonight was the night with my sister, Anne. We went through getting a will signed and that was the easiest part. Then it was getting into all my tech gadgets, being able for my sister to notify everyone on my up to date contacts list. Then it was my watch collection which will go to the Teenage Cancer Trust - anyone whom the Who supports over the years with their concerts gets my vote. Then itā€™s just bits and pieces that my sister can donate to charity shops - a collection of about 10 clocks or so, clothes that are still in very good condition and assorted other things. Anne can select anything she would like.

I dont want a funeral so am going for a direct cremation - itā€™s cheaper and friendlier to the environment.

Thatā€™s not all thatā€™s involved, my bank will have to be told as well as the power companies but thatā€™s small stuff.

Of course I intend to beat them all, save my money by not dying and continue to play Bob and Neil on my head phones plus the Byrds, always loved them all.

Thanks Rhian.

Iā€™m definitely watching a Neil Diamond concert on my iPhone tonight. Theyā€™ve given me my meds and itā€™s music time.

Read both your posts Dreamy. You are positive.

Enjoy Neil Diamond. x

Stay strong Ffosse, you have many friends here rooting for you.

Thanks Mags, youā€™ve always been here for me too.

Iā€™m finding myself very close to you now, Ffosse reading some of your latest posts. Itā€™s harrowing reading actually and I am seriously hoping you get yourself better as you know we all are.

You do right sorting out your will though, something all of us must do post-50 and itā€™s on my agenda for later this year.
Our families need to know where they stand without any arguments, same goes for funeral costs - who wants their relations and offspring to have to sort all that out? It wouldnā€™t be right or fair on them.
Sorry to be morbid but itā€™s all part of life and something very important that we need to face, whether we are gravely ill or feeling fully fit itā€™s the same for all of us. A requirement.

Take care buddy and enjoy Neil Diamond, a great performer.
By the way, Iā€™m with you about The Who and their Teenage Cancer Trust support. I know Roger Daltrey is chief patron of that charity and Iā€™ve actually just started reading his autobiography - perhaps thatā€™s a book you could read sometime, it could even be available as an audiobook? :cool: