I've had my chest x-ray

Hardest part is packing my clothes; I can only carry so much with me.

Do you not have a pull along small suitcase?

No, Iā€™ve never liked them and am not convinced they hold more than my 2 bags for life, 1 from Sainsburys the other, made from Jute from Waitrose.

What to take into hospital is often a perplexing issue. Iā€™ve got enough clothes but what else do I need? A mobile phone charger, toiletries (for which Iā€™ve got a nice pouch), my house keys, a little cash, my bank card. My mobile definitely, I need to contact people plus I enjoy perusing the web. I always forget something. This last admission I lost 2 pairs of jeans which Iā€™m convinced were stolen. How else can you lose clothing?

I hope all goes well for you tomorrow Ffosseā€¦

Is your bag or suitcase lockable with a padlock Ffosse? Might be a good idea :o

Good luck this time though mate, letā€™s hope they can finally get you back to living a decent life again. No way should one person have to go through what you have suffered :cool:

Thanks Mags and Floydy.

I suppose by this time in life I should have invested in some sort of luggage. But Iā€™ve managed with 2 bag before and will again. I donā€™t know how long Iā€™ll be in for and I know my sister has some of my clothes which sheā€™ll have washed.

But sheā€™s notoriously difficult to get hold off. To be fair, she has 3 children and about 8 grandchildren so sheā€™s very busy babysitting most of the time; it just gets to me, though, that the only time I see her is when Iā€™m ill.

I think itā€™s just a matter of bad luck in my case. At least I can still walk around (even if itā€™s sore and uncomfortable) I still enjoy posting on here, my appetite has come back, Iā€™m enjoying watching TV again and reading a bit. I listen to my music mostly in the mornings but I still enjoy it. When others are sleeping, Iā€™m listening to Rush or Led Zepellin or the Who. With headphones of course.

Well todayā€™s the day of my readmission to hospital. Iā€™m leaving slightly early and visiting the Maggies centre for a cup of tea and a chinwag before my admission. Theyā€™re the charity I gave Ā£2k to. I also plan on visiting the teenage cancer trust while Iā€™m in hospital to donate some money to them too. Or if thatā€™s not possible I can do it over the phone or on the internet.

The hospital want to know if it was the steroids I was given which made me delirious the last time. Iā€™m of the view that it was everything combined: the cancer itself, the chemo I got along with the stress I was under, plus the steroids. Normally I would just go home during chemo sessions, but this time they want to keep me in. Iā€™ll try and keep posting when Iā€™m in although expect plenty of typos as Iā€™ll be using my phone.

Sending you good wishes Ffosse, try to relax, the medical staff will be there to pick up on anything that affects you this time and hopefully pinpoint the cause.

Thinking of you today Dreamy, and I hope all goes well.
Donā€™t worry about typos, we all do that occasionally.

I will recommend a case when you have more time.

Just had a longish chat with a doctor who explained stem cell transplant for me then I signed the consent form.

Well done that man !!! weā€™re all rooting for you and keeping our fingers crossed that all goes well.

That is good news. Well done. x

Itā€™s still a number of lengthy procedures,though including some very strong chemo.

Speaking of which, I now start 6 hours of chemo.

Try to keep us posted Dreamy.
I am thinking of you. X

Iā€™ve finally after God knows how many times got a room with a TV that works.

Well, that is a good start Dreamy.

Itā€™s got no channel guide though.

Oh, you will need a TV guide. Or just flick through.