I've had my chest x-ray

I can imagine.

I felt so dizzy during my shower today; I was scared of falling as I canā€™t support my body weight very well - Iā€™m only 11 St - but my muscles have wasted away a bit from constant sitting and lying on the bed in hospital.

On a positive note, a headache I had a few hours ago has gone; Iā€™m mostly tired now.

How are you feeling today Dreamy?

I feel fine, slept well again. My TV is almost kaput, though. I can only receive certain channels due to the high atmospheric pressure outside. Itā€™s not my aerial as itā€™s one of the best powered indoor aerials you can get.

How strange, the TV in our bedroom has just lost all BBC programmes, we have an outside aerial for that. Must check the others.

I am glad you slept well, it makes all the difference. x

Yes, waking up at 7 was what I did in hospital. Breakfast was about 7:45 and they always made me a cup of coffee in the interim.

I know something is wrong with me when my sleep is disturbed. Iā€™ve had a couple of micronaps <5 minutes this afternoon.

Reading the hospitalā€™s letter to my doctor this afternoon, I was surprised that my stay was from the 5th of February 'til the 22nd; I hadnā€™t realised that it was quite that long. I seem to have lost some clothes along the way - a pair of jeans and a nice topā€¦oh well, theyā€™re only clothes, my health is what matters. I also discovered that I gave Ā£2000 not Ā£1000 to the cancer charity but at least itā€™s for a good cause and Iā€™m not broke yet.

The bit which states whats wrong with me lists recurring Hodgkins Lymphoma, pancytopenia, mania based on my Bi-Polar and a urinary tract infection which can make you very ill if untreated.

Itā€™s a surprise that I do sleep well having all that although the hospital stay did me a lot of good. And Iā€™ve got another longer stay to come starting on Wednesday. My PIP stops if Iā€™m in hospital for more than a month; Iā€™d been using that money for taxis and coffees while away from home. The hospital has a shop that does great coffee and itā€™s not extortionately priced. Iā€™ve discovered that my bank card is essential in hospital as well as my mobile phone plus charger and around Ā£10 in cash.

Since your disease is somewhat similar to my own, I googled it :


Your PIP does indeed stop if youā€™re an ā€˜in-patientā€™ for more than 1 month, but repeated shorter stays are not counted, so if you are re-admitted, the clock starts running all over again.

That was kind of you Joe. x

Good Night Dreamy.
You are in my thoughts and prayers.

Thanks, Sweetie and UJ for looking that up. I guess in a way I can see the DWPā€™s point of view: if youā€™re in hospital your every need is cared for.

But I bet itā€™s not easy getting back on PIP again for those who have gone over the 28 days.

Just the pancytopenia? You donā€™t have cancer, do you? I hope not.

I will check that for you later Dreamy.

If the DWP do cut your benefits, Iā€™m here to help if I can matey.

Thanks UJ, I was in for 17 days this time so donā€™t think Iā€™ll be in for a full 28. They really are bastards though, taking money away from people once theyā€™ve left hospital when they need it most.

Today I sold a watch I wasnā€™t overly keen on for Ā£120. It was good to be out but my upper torso especially my neck was in agony. My neck has hurt ever since the operations on it. I find it hard to move my head very high or look right for traffic. Iā€™ve got exercises from the physio which I really should be practising.

You have answered your own question there, Ffosse.
If the physio is trying his best to help you, you must to make an effort to do as he advises.

I assume you have another appointment to see him, and he will want to know how you get on with the exercises, so best get cracking.

Not always easy when you are in pain.
But yes do try to do them.
Where did you sell your watch?

I sold my watch to the same place I sold my phone one time. Heā€™s a really nice Sikh chap who knows his stuff when it comes to phones/computers, anything techy.

I got good news today - apparently my bloods are fine so itā€™s full steam ahead for tomorrowsā€™s hospital admission. I was worried about a wasted journey.

Good luck for tomorrow Dreamy.
I hope all goes well.
I will be thinking of you. X

Iā€™ll be fineā€¦Iā€™m going to visit the Maggies centre (the place I donated to) before 10 o"clock for a cup of tea and a chinwag with whomever is there.