I just got the news that my chemo starts next Thursday. Mixed feelings as part of me wants to crack on;the other side reminds me of all that’s gone wrong before with chemo.
It may be different this time Dreamy.
Prayers sent for strength for you. X
What good news that the infusions and transfusion are doing their work in helping you get your strength back.
I hope you are feeling hopeful that the plan is working to get you treated. You can do this - you’ve done it before!
Take good care of yourself and enjoy those mild temperatures!
I’ve been eating a lot, as well as drinking those Ensure pluses.
I feel fine; I don’t think there’s much wrong with me physically,but today my own tan of consultant and specialist are back from holiday. (I wonder if they went somewhere together?).
So they will both see me abd decide upon a course of action which will include chemo on Thursday according to Dr Scott.
That is good to read that you are eating Dreamy. You will need to be fit for chemo.
They might send you home, so you must ask for a care package.
Keep us posted.x
I join SP in being really pleased to hear you are feeling stronger.
What do you attribute to the marked improvement? The transfusion? Certain medications?
Keep eating!
I think just time plus plenty of sleep and good food - the food in the hospital is excellent.
Today I’m at home for a few hours - a mini-break you might say as I’ve been in hospital for 2 weeks and have roughly another 2 to go while I finish my chemotherapy which starts tomorrow.
I believe they want to monitor my symptoms and see if I become quite as gravely ill as I did when I was going in daily and weekly for my chemo, ie. Will I become delirious again. I certainly hope not; of all the conditions I’ve had, Delirium ranks right up there at the top as the very worse. Getting ill but not realising it; believing in strange things and patterns; being unable to explain my delirium to strangers because I was delirious; I’ll be glad to slay that dragon.
So today I’m just having a few peaceful hours at home, sorting my washing, bringing in a different mobile phone charger etc. bits and pieces, just tidying up. I’ve got a very understanding Consultant who sees my need for this and it’s at an apt point - right before I start chemo again.
I don’t think I’ll be posting much as my phone keeps wanting to knock me off the site by not accepting my password. It’s easier dealing with computer woes with an actual computer.
So off I go for my chemo tomorrow, wish me luck!
I wish you luck Dreamy.
If you have time 3 are doing a good deal on PAYG Sims, for £10 you get a lot of data.
Take care, get some peace at home.
You will be in my thoughts and prayers. X
I’ve been buying their £20 PAYG add-on which gives me 12GB (and I need it, there’s not much to do in hospital) and seems the best value. I really don’t want to move from 3 as I’ve had that number for a couple of years now. 12Gbs is plenty for forums, news, browsing and a spot of YouTube. Gone are the days when the hospital had free wi-fi.
One thing: I still can’t really get round the donations I made. They were sandwiched around a period of delirium. That is, the first one I made was when I wasn’t fully there mentally.
But I don’t want my 2K back - it really is an excellent charity. And it would be bad form to ask for any money back. Just looking at my money, I’ve got a fair bit less than I used to, though still plenty.
Oh yes you have plenty of data.
I can’t think why you get signed out of here.
I went through a stage of that happening.
Anyway your donations were given with good intentions, and they will help others.
I pray your chemo goes well Dreamy.
I know you are scared, I would be too.
Hopefully you can keep us posted.
Yesterday, when my chemo was due to start, they informed me that from the blood sample I didn’t have enough good white blood cells so they were going to discharge me. They wanted to re-admit me next Wednesday?
So I packed but the pharmacy (who normally take ages) didn’t have one of the drugs I was on so I couldn’t go home last night as I needed it in my dosette box. I was really angry then calm. The psychiatrist whom I spoke with told me I should be out no later than 1pm today. I was wanting to just stay in by that stage. Who’s to say my neutrophils will be any better next Wednesday.
But I’m home again after 15 days in hospital, not just for a few hours but a few days. In a way I’m scared I develop delirium again but they’ve done their best to reassure me. I’ve also got stem cell transplant/therapy coming up and the thought of it terrifies me.
[quote=“Ffosse, post: 1647041”]
Yesterday, when my chemo was due to start, they informed me that from the blood sample I didn’t have enough good white blood cells so they were going to discharge me. They wanted to re-admit me next Wednesday?
So I packed but the pharmacy (who normally take ages) didn’t have one of the drugs I was on so I couldn’t go home last night as I needed it in my dosette box. I was really angry then calm. The psychiatrist whom I spoke with told me I should be out no later than 1pm today. I was wanting to just stay in by that stage. Who’s to say my neutrophils will be any better next Wednesday.
But I’m home again after 15 days in hospital, not just for a few hours but a few days. In a way I’m scared I develop delirium again but they’ve done their best to reassure me. I’ve also got stem cell transplant/therapy coming up and the thought of it terrifies me.[/QUOTE]
Don’t be scared matey, this is cutting edge new treatment - and if it helps to rid you of the cancer cells - embrace it.
Thanks, UJ - they wouldn’t be doing it if they thought it couldn’t help I guess.
At one point you’ve got to have a canula in each arm, restricting movement a bit (how does one go the toilet).
Oh, you are home Dreamy.
What a mix up getting your meds!!!
Don’t be scared, you will be fine.
I know nothing of stem cell, but I am sure it is for the best.
Someone will know. x
I’ve also got new pain as well as being pretty weak.
A shooting pain that runs across my lower back close to my coccyx. And when I crouch down for anything, like getting something from the fridge it takes me all my energy to get upright again.
Does anyone know: is this just a symptom of being bedridden for a while and in the preceding 2 months or so just sitting in a chair with no exercise? I found it really hard to get out of a bath in hospital the other day even though there were hand grips.
Found this Dreamy.
One has a catheter inserted matey !!!
Oh, I hate those and try and avoid as much as possible
Oh dear.
They’re painful and uncomfortable.