I've had my chest x-ray

I wish you had someone there with you Ffosse who could remember all these things and help you through them.
Would it help you to have a small notebook and pen with you all the time, then you could write any information or messages down? That way you will be able to check back on anything you may have forgotten or didn’t understand.

i do - my moleskine, it’s not particularly good as a cancer book. it doesn’t have alarms or read back reminders at specific times. These days I mostly vlog everything or at least keep a decent copy for myself, although I’m very careful about whom I write to them.

At least it’s something to help you although I’m afraid I don’t know what a moleskine is :blush:

As usual, my best wishes to you…

You won’t know what a vlog is either, then

But thanks for the wishes, anyway, one wish is like a sigh, a good sigh.

I’m afraid not Ffosse :slight_smile: I think I am a generation above you and cannot keep up with all the modern things of today :smiley:

The good wishes are all the same though, whatever the generation :wink:

Oh, I do Dreamy. You were upset about the Cancer returning, now you are mad. Why me you think, it is not fair. You are lashing out at those that are supporting you because the delirium is muddling your rational thoughts.
I will and have supported you since 2015. I went through this with my Mother and Father, pushing away those that care.

I have an awful lot on my plate at the moment, so I will quote Dylan, as that is how I feel.

Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right

Well it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why Dreamy
If you don’t know by now
An’ it ain’t no use to sit and wonder why Dreamy
It’ll never do somehow
When your rooster crows at the break a dawn
Look out your window and I’ll be gone
You’re the reason I’m trav’lin’ on
Don’t think twice, it’s all right
And it ain’t no use in a-turnin’ on your light Dreamy
The light I never knowed
An’ it ain’t no use in turnin’ on your light, babe
I’m on the dark side of the road
But I wish there was somethin’ you would do or say
To try and make me change my mind and stay
We never did too much talkin’ anyway
But don’t think twice, it’s all right

Well I woke up this morning,
you were on my mind yeah, plus an apology to Sweetiehttps://www.over50sforum.com/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=1633244

No worries Dreamy.
I am still supporting you.
Keep us posted.x

I’ve been in hospital around 5 days now, suffering from Delirium. In the beginning it was very frightening, but it’s settled down a little to none during the day. I dont know what happens next as my chemio has finished now but am still taking ��biotics.

I wondered where you were Ffosse, sorry to hear you’ve had another hospital stay.

I hope you are feeling a lot better now and you will be able to enjoy your life a bit better.

Thinking of you, take care.

I have been very worried Dreamy. I was about to email you.
I am so glad the delirium has settled.
I would think that you will be going home soon.
Maybe, a best interest decision???
Please ask for some support at home.

Sorry about that Ffosse.

I think they have missed something in the scans. They are not looking closely enough at the brain stem.

I was wondering about you, Ffosse but I thought you would return to posting when you were ready. I’m not one to irritate people by posting after every single person does so. Once every few days is enough isn’t it? This is not Facebook after all. people mean well of course but there’s no need to be over-sentimental or simpering :wink:

Sorry to hear that your current situation hasn’t changed for the better though bud. May I ask - I don’t know how many different tablets you are taking but a friend of mine who has cancer (who I mention occasionally) was taking up to fiftenn different pills daily. His doctor said it was time for an overhaul on them and decided to look into the pros and cons. He came back and said that he thought some of them were fighting against each other and asked my mate to gradually ween himself off most of them. It turns out that he was getting severe side effects - hallucinations, all sorts of other pains - and stopping them made him feel much more focussed and it took away his pain.
The cancer in his head and throat has gone totally, though his leg is a continuing problem though not related to the other issues.

Ffosee, I’m NOT saying do this, but it’s worth a question for your GP. Is your medication making things worse?

Take it easy buddy :cool:

I’m feeling a bit better now

You’re perfectly right ti point me in the directiion of my meds, Floydy, but I’m pretty bare bones minimum in that regard. In fact, during my refeMy I’m fact I’m young to give a rest there I can’t types m the screen beyond yes or no.can we make this a yes or no thread with me saying yes or no and every on else a free for all?

I’m pleased to hear that Ffosse :slight_smile:

I’m worse now

Oh Dreamy, where is the support you need.
Cuts I think.
Phone for help, please. x

Ffosse if you haven’t already then please do call an ambulance if you feel so bad. I know you hate being in hospital but it’s far worse to be on your own at home and suffering like this.