I've had my chest x-ray

Is it normal to have the psychological symptoms you are experiencing with the illness? The time perception issues must be frightening.

I donā€™t think itā€™s fully common at all but Iā€™ve worked out some of what happened.

My appointment was for 9am Thursday morning. I, for whatever reason acted like this was 9pm Wednesday and didnā€™t find out until I found the building closed and no-one there - I asked the driver if it was nighttime and he confirmed it. I couldnā€™t believe it but there was nothing to do but go home. I slept 6 hours or so and had my appointment which lasted about 9 hours ( it is chemo ) then that was that.

Since Thursday Iā€™ve had numerous smaller experiencesā€¦its when I forget things Iā€™m the most upset because Iā€™ve had Delirium before, itā€™s a big killer and mine took 2 months to shift last time.

Oh Dreamy I remember.
Put alerts on your phone for appointments.
Write a diary every day about your thoughts and feelings.
This is stress causing this.
I know you donā€™t want chemo, but you also know it is your life line.
Sorry I havenā€™t read back all.
I will later.

Youā€™re always welcome on this thread, Sweetie.

It helps me too, to write things down - perhaps if I started writing them down here as well - the appointment dates etc. it too would help.

Well, Iā€™ve been awake since it got lightish at around 8 so I think Iā€™ll go to bed at 8, listen to a couple of podcasts then to morrow I have a 4 hour blood transfusion starting at 11am in Ward 8 so Iā€™ve set alarms on every device in my bedroom. I hope this is one appointment I wonā€™t miss.

Yes write them everywhere you like Dreamy.
Write your thoughts also, no matter how bizarre.
I hope you sleep well.
I will be thinking of you tomorrow.
I said a few prayers for you in church yesterday. You will always be in my prayers. X

Thanks for the prayers. Today I lost a black leather jacket from within my house. Itā€™s always in the same place, on the front of the wardrobe in my bedroom on a coat hanger.

I donā€™t understand this and am terrified about losing a smaller item like my debit card. The jacket canā€™t be found anywhere, Iā€™ve not been outside with it and left it anywhere so am at a complete loss about it.

That is what I call unsettling and a little frightening: where could it physically go? somewhere out into the ether. With smaller items they often just turn up but a leather jacket?

Wow, the jacket just turned up.

What happened was that Iā€™d put something else into my wardrobe and substituted the leather jacket to make more room as it was a bit of a tight fit - the jacket is really light and smooth but some how it had gotten to the bottom of the wardrobe, I hadnā€™t packed it properly.

But these were the type of things that happened to me in 2016 in hospital a lot with fewer things. My iPod shuffle had a mind of its own. Small items of money would disappear for a while then turn up in a different time. I now know that it was my mind playing up.

For anyone interested Wiki Dementia - it really is a good educational write up.

It will turn up, you have obviously put it elsewhere, you are stressed and it muddles our thoughts, this happens to me also. Too busy worrying and not thinking straight.
When did you last wear it?

Thursday, I think but all is well now.

Good as it is not worth getting into a tiz about.
You wind down, write your thoughts and worries, listen to your favourite music, and get a good nights sleep ready for tomorrow. x

Iā€™m awake and looking forward to a couple of hours pottering about before I have to get the taxi - I like Not having to go somewhere in a rush.

Run out of coffee so I can just go downstairs and buy some. Sometimes life is good that that way.

At hospital and an receiving blood. I chose a white jumperā€¦wearing it with defiance.

Thinking of you Ffosse, I hope all goes well for youā€¦

I saw my Consultant - he beseemed most by my donation to the charity, given my recent memory problems.'Was it a mistake he asked? I told him, no, just a spur of the moment decision.I think they thought I was penniless or something. I spent Ā£4k on a watch last April which I am wearing today.

Oh, Dreamy I am sorry I missed your posts.
I hope you are feeling better now.

If you miss them, read them, you just skitter around the forum with nothing to write and thus nothing worth reading.

Defiance I get. But white with blood, I donā€™t get.:confused:

You thought your donation through and did what was in your heart. I would be careful wearing an expensive watch to hospital. Why would they think you are poor???:confused:

I do I know, you are not the first to point that out.
I never post in debates or discussions.
I have my good and bad days, like anyone Dreamy.

I hope your day hasnā€™t been too tiring Ffosse and you are able to sleep well tonight.

Oh, my day started well, itā€™s just the phone calls that get me. Ones from the hospital and its staff wanting to put me on a new drug or why did I listen to one person and not another etc, and how I could make a mistake even though I have .a deliriumā€¦

You just don`'t get it at all do you?