I've had my chest x-ray

In what way, Ffosse? Call out a doctor mate and get to the hospital.

I hope Dreamy did call.
I will worry now.

Iā€™ve been in hospital for 6 days now, theyā€™re keeping me in as I have infections as well as diaroea.

You must very fed up Dreamy.
How is your MH today?
I have been thinking and praying for you.

Sorry you added a bit more.
I hope they sort this out soon.
Nothing worse than that on top of everything.

My MH isnā€™t good,itā€™s as though the totality of the situation is now hitting me.Iā€™ve further chemo next week and I doubt theyā€™ll let me out before then. I have my sister, though and sheā€™s been very good in a hundred different ways, emotional and practical,

I can see a few weeks stay until the confusion, and infections are at bay. When you have diaroea like mine itā€™s not always easy to get to the bathroom in time.

I am very glad to read that your sister is there for you.
You are in the best place for now Dreamy.
Yes, the whole realization is scary.
You will get through this with determination, you are stronger than you think.

I wouldnā€™t last 5 minutes outside - ive lost so much weight Iā€™m beginning to look like a skeleton and I can hardly support myself.

Plus I was psychotic too. I kept thinking it was Christmas day and believed I could go back in time and retrieve valuable jewels and vintage watches.

I still get confused, especially at night.

I have managed to stop vaping, though.

I lost my vaper in my house a day or two before I was brought in last week and never got around to replacing it. Then,once admitted couldnā€™t buy a new one if Iā€™d wanted to. So I am completely nicotine free now and donā€™t miss it. It was a very low dose of nicotine I was on anyway.

The strangest thing is I dont remember being admitted to hospital or what I thought once I realised where I was.

Well done on giving up Dreamy.
No, I guess you were very confused, but at least you are in the right place Dreamy. Sleep well if you can. Good Night. x

I did sleep well - I generally do in hospital. Thereā€™s something comforting about having others around. I donā€™t know what Iā€™ll do when I leave.

It occurred to me today that most of us have routines and our days are very similar whether we live alone or not.I used to like my independence, but Iā€™ve lost that now.

I can understand that, you are thinking logically now. Being alone when you are distressed is unbearable.

Glad you slept well. X
You will need extra care if and when you go home. Think about how you would implement that Dreamy.

Perhaps someone coming round each day would be a start. I couldnā€™t imagine being home alone.

Yes I think that would be a good start.
Increase the care if and when you need it Dreamy.
Better that than thoughts of the hospice yet.
The hospital social worker should discuss this with you, before you are discharged.
Not a sure how this works in Scotland.
But ask. X

Today Iā€™ve to have a blood transfusion this afternoon. Not too happy with that but they say Iā€™m a little anaemic.

Also had 2 psychiatrists in, checking on my memory and other cognitive areas.

Yesterday I made my final donations to the Maggis centre - you can look them up. So Iā€™ve paid out Ā£2k in donations so far and thatā€™s money the state wonā€™t see. I truly believe that is the best charity I could give to.

You will feel better for the blood transfusion Dreamy.
I am guessing the psychiatric assessments were to see if you can make rational decisions.

I am glad you are happy with your donations Dreamy, as I know that is important to you.

Any decisions about discharge yet?

No, Iā€™ll be in here for a while - better than lots of little stays.plus,Iā€™ll have lots of chemo coming up and I think theyā€™ll keep me in rather than have me turn up at 9pm for appointments.

I agree with that, 9 pm that is late???:confused: