I've had my chest x-ray

Hi Ffosse.
I’m wondering whether you could take part or join a group of some description? Not a band, but a group of people in a similar situation as yourself. A local community get together just to get you out and occupy your days more than anything I guess.
I’m sure you’d all find a variety of subject to talk about and it would take your mind off things for an hour or so each day.
Ever thought about it mate?:cool:

Good idea Floydy.
I pray he is ok

Thanks for the consideration, but I can barely get out at the moment so all I have are internet forums.

There is a walking group run by a charity not far from me. Every Monday they walk somewhere different.

I can vouch for that…I don’t know what I’d have done if I didn’t have a TV which I got last summer. Mindless, car-crash shows but good entertainment.

Hi Flosse. Nice to see you.

How are you feeling today Dreamy?

Exhausted with diarrhea. I’m also finding it hard to stay warm.

Ffosse you may be dehydrated…this mixture is easy to make and you should drink several cups full a day…

1 litre of boiled water
6 teasp sugar
½teasp salt

Good advice Ruthio.
Poor Dreamy, one thing after another.

Yesterday my Clinical haemotologist specialist phoned me…they have the biopsy results in.

But she wouldn’t tell me what they were. There was a positive slant to her words, though, as she said that they should be able to do something for me, and she was sounding pretty upbeat (mind you, she’s always up beat, tell her her car exploded and I don’t think you’d get much emotion out of her.

Anyways, I’ve been summoned to their clinic for 3 o"Clock today.

Hoping your biopsy results are good and they can do something to help you, Ffosse.
Wishing you well…

Me too Dreamy, I told you all would be fine.
Keep us posted, I am on tenterhooks waiting for some good news from you. x

Whatever the results. Having information is better than waiting, and having results will help you and your team make a plan for moving forward. I imagine it takes a lot of determination just to get ready and off to see your doctor, so I hope you can make yourself eat a little something before you go.

Two of the things you might want to research on the internet are “calorie dense foods” and “nutritiously dense foods”. You might be reminded of foods you enjoy that won’t require you to eat a great deal.

Good things your way.

It’s my previous cancer which has come back - The Hodgkins Lymphoma which means more chemo, more steroids and God alone knows what other drugs.

I swore I would never do chemo again

My doctor prescribed bucket loads of ensure plus and complan so I’m well stocked for now.

Oh dear, have you decided???
At least that is treatable. You knew that is was back, you posted that. Same chemo???

I can’t make up my mind on this… I hate chemo but it’s the only thing that will save my life.
Actually I’m sure tomorrow they will have convinced me to go for the chemo -I have no choice in the matter really. I’m ill and will do anything to save my life.

Yes I support that Dreamy. X

Chemo is horrible but so are your symptoms and they will only get worse with no treatment. If you get rid of the cancer then it’s worth it. The sooner it starts the sooner you will be free to live without all this distress.

No Dreamy today?
Lots of support here Dreamy.