I've had my chest x-ray

I’m eating some more snacks although a full meal is too much for me. The biopsy bandage is off now and the wound looks OK but still a bit sore.

I just wish I had a bit more energy.

At least the bandage is off. It will be sore for a while, just be careful. x
Your energy levels will increase as you eat more.
Dreamy you have been through hell and back, it will take a little time, but you will get there. xxxx

Sweetie Pie’s right, Ffosse. Your body is lacking it’s quota of vitamins and nitrients. I know it’s not easy but try to get a balanced diet if you can. It doesn’t mean eating a lot, just the correct foods - protein, carbs, etc. :slight_smile:

Part of the problem is my lack of appetite, too.

That should return in time Dreamy.
Good Morning, my hubby got rushed to hospital at 3am this morning.
I am just waiting to collect him.

Sweetie, I hope he’s OK.

He is fine, it was a severe allergy to Blueberries.

You were up very early Dreamy.
How are you today?

Dreamy I am worried about you again.
I hope all is well.

It 's good to know you are on the mend from your biopsy. I am with Floydy and others in saying that giving your body the fuel it needs to fight back and give you more energy is key.

Has your fever subsided?

One of the best ways to break the cycle of being awake at night is to force yourself to do a little walking, inside or out, the minute you get the sleepy temptation to nap during the day. Another help, is to try to limit your naps to no more than 30 minutes, by setting an alarm. I realize it’s a tricky balance, but it might help.

Any good podcasts you recommend?

If you don’t feel like eating make some smoothies from scratch. A base of banana, milk and yoghurt with fruits like kiwi or blueberry and veggies like kale, carrot or celery and some grain protein and ginger should give you some nutrients without having to eat a physical meal. You can put pretty much anything in even peanut butter or cashews and sip every so often.

Now I am worried about Dreamy.
I will email, as it is not like him to be missing this long.

I’m sure Ffosse is ok Sweetie. He has been offline for a while before. He may just be too tired to post.

I’m OK I just had one of those 3 day psychotic episodes where I can’t do any thing except drink water. I’ve lost nearly 3 Stone now - I’m just not hungry. Someone told me to treat food like medicine but it’s not that easy.

Seeing my GP tomorrow - I don’t feel the hospital is supporting me enough.

Oh Dreamy I have been so worried.
I knew something was up.
Take care and keep us posted if you can. X

Ffosse did you consider our suggestions that you sip nutritious drinks whilst your appetite is so low?
You can get savoury or sweet.
Fortisip, BuildUp, Complan etc. (page176)
Your GP can prescribe these.
Self help is so important when you live alone and are unwell, but the effort with these drinks is minimal.

You are so right. I need some Complan or Ensure just for the calories and vitamins.

A bit better today, I managed some porridge and oven chips.

I’ll try and get the Complan on prescription but they can be a bit funny about that, saying it’s food.

That is good Dreamy.


How are you feeling mentally Dreamy?
Positive I hope. x

No, mentally very bad. As in take me to a hospice now.

Oh, that has made me sad.
Do you really feel that bad?
What about a short voluntary spell in the MH hospital?
Not a section, just a rest.

Have you visited the hospice? Oh Dreamy, I don’t think your time is up yet.
You are tired and confused, yes in pain also.
I will always support you, whatever your choice.
I think you know that. x