It is meant as humour but also factual but we lost a cucumber

Isn’t that sort of like giving them permission to go limp?

I’m on a roll with this thread…don’t push your luck by trying to make me decide between condoms and skin.

Please :shock:

[SIZE=“2”](bring back the nuns someone please, before I self combust)[/SIZE]

Why am I being punished, Harbal…? Please get me out of this thread before I say something awfully awfully bad. :101::100:

If you are trying to avoid saying something bad, I’m probably not your best bet, Pixie. :slight_smile:

Free cucumbers - yipee - everyone round to Pixies house!:smiley:

Lies - all lies I have never worn a condom in my life!:-D:-D

Aye…well of course you would say that now, wouldn’t you?! :shock:

OK - just for you -

["][url=Emoji Smileys «Fear, Horror» - Download for free or copy and paste to your message]]([url=Emoji Smileys «Fear, Horror» - Download for free or copy and paste to your message)


Well have nun of that please.
Di I have found a cucumber in my fridge that I don’t recognise. It also has a french accent and is wearing a french letter could it be yours?

Look who l have just seen boarding a train…

I hope he wasn’t encumbered by having to queue to get on it. :001:

Is he being safe? :shock: I don’t see a…mask anywhere

Wait, wait…why are we assuming its a GUY??

I am telling you Chillie…final warning from one friend to another…letter, just email me, much easier…:lol:

do you not know your marrows from your cucumbers…Artangel…:confused:

Well, to be fair…I did look up cartoon cucumbers and they all do look kindof chubby… :smiley: And stripy

maybe your thinking…cucumber… sounds like feels like looks like…OMG its a member…new member actually…:blush:

Apologies wil email you if I find another suspicious cucumber :smiley:

What the heck does a cucumber sound like?? :shock: Are they noisy, in France?

Like a gherkin but deeper:-D