Our Cucumber, Ok your not the first to be told but still require some input…need ideas as when informed by intelligent sources one should not keep a slightly sagging cucumber in the Fridge…will keep better at room temperature…told my beloved and he said he would deal with that…that was yesterday…late afternoon whilst preparing the Salad…asked the obvious question…Can you direct me to my cucumber…I say my as he does not like it…thoughts as searched through all kitchen cupboards so far…:idea:
I’m not quite sure what you are saying, Dianne. Are you telling us that you can’t find your cucumber?
Oh, so it was still in the fridge? I always keep mine in the fridge - never had one sagging yet, but had them go manky if I forget about them and don’t eat them quickly enough. It is amazing how quickly they can turn, almost overnight, from a reasonably firm fruit to a liquid mess
Should I really be keeping them at room temperature then?
I keep mine in the fridge…usually eaten within a couple of days so I don’t know if they go bad really.
I always remove their condoms before I put cucumbers in the fridge - then they don’t go soggy quite so quickly!
Dianne - has it turned up yet? Could one of the cats have taken a fancy to it?
The Cucumbers here are not so firm as what we use to buy in England and same with Carrots…literally take them out of the packaging and let them breathe…Just fed up with waste sometimes…
Mostly I cook from fresh ingredients but have not ever grown cucumbers…courgettes, yes. they are good to grow as they start with the yellow trumpet flowers, very pleasant and then they turn into courgettes and if you leave them they become huge Marrows…anyway too late for the cucumber now today…
Meal finished and trying not to think too much of this…missing cucumber…imagine already it is starting to get softer and soon will be squiggy…OMG…squiggy…
whoops nearly forgot spacing…
So I am not the only victim…we could compare what we know even…might even get some kind of clue as to where would a male put a cucumber…he said he would not have left it in the open…so anything in sight…nope…ok forwards and onwards then…looking for hidden easter eggs must be easier than this…
It depends on who he’s trying to impress.
no they have more senses and go for meat fish…and cucumbers are really only water based…no appeal to carnivores…worth a stab at it Tabbs
Nope he does not need to impress anybody he is an East Ender…ex Trucker…King of the Roads…
could go on many many pages about him…shall I?
Isn’t there a whole series of dramatic you tube clips of cats being scared of cucumbers? I tried it with our cats and just received a disdainful stare…
Silver Tabby are you on the correct thread?
The Cucumber will eventually repeat upon itself, then you can nab it.
Not at the expense of neglecting the cucumber story.
Not gone looking for that AnnieS, need to know all I can about cucumbers…do they give off an ora or something that the cats sense as danger…science has moved faster than I realised…
Yeah right on the hot there…priororities…something we all need to remember…wonder if a cucumber can communicate at all…any thoughts on feelings of vegetables…I know onions can upset you…
I think cats would jump at anything unexpected that wasn’t there before. Aubergines, Turnips, teddy bears…
Perhaps he’s hidden it out in the garden - maybe there are lots of hidden veggies out there for you to find. You know, like an adult version of the easter egg hunt. Cucumbers, carrots, marrows, parsnips. Gosh you could have no end of fun
thanks Trixie……inside info I am guessing…Now getting concerned for my nightly eye pads…what the hell can I use instead of the sliced cucumber…this is becoming rather involved…even Hasbeen has gone walkies to clear his mind.