Matt Hancock III
In the main camp, everyone seemed dozy in the morning, although there were a few hugs among some and some “team leadership” from Mike.
Quite a lot from Sue tonight (probably given airtime because she’ll be first out) - banging on about Matt being a messy shaver and George being a towel thief.
In the Cucuracha Cafe, George and Matt sat down to breakfast - Beans, Eggs, Fruit, Tofu and Seaweed (all fermented or rotten) for George and Fisheye, Mealworm, Penis, Vagina, Anus and Cockroaches for Matt - nothing was wasted, not even time - 11 stars.
In main camp, it was “getting to know you” time - Seann was a troublesome child, Sue was adopted then, years later, was “recognised” by her birth-mother’s husband.
There was a “confessional” from Matt but I skipped it - Mr Nice Guy doesn’t fool me (1).
Mike and Baba went for “Whack-a-Mole” to win Mexican snacks - they did their bit, but Charlene’s answer to Zara’s succession position was wrong - Mike was not happy.
Supper was squab (immature pigeon) for everyone … except George, who had mushrooms (again).
Next Trial - Matt and Owen:
(1) or others:
Despite the other campmates seemingly having sympathy for Matt, Chris Moyles wasn’t buying it.
Speaking to the Bush Telegraph, Chris admitted: “Honestly the way I feel now is he’s pulled the mask slightly off his chin a little bit, but I still think he’s not telling us the full truth.”
Later speaking to Scarlette, Chris said: “It was when he asked for forgiveness. I wanted to say 'forgiveness for what, Matt? What are you sorry for, being caught or having an affair, making bad decisions or lying? If you’re going to be real then be real. I don’t think he’s being real and it’s bugging me.”
And viewers at home were in full agreement with Chris as they praised him for ‘seeing through’ Matt’s speech whilst others threatened to turn off during his plea for forgiveness.
@beckyhipkiss said: “Wanted to turn off during that rehearsed speech and shout at the other camp mates for falling for it “I’m looking forgiveness” Nope.”
@ameliafosterx tweeted: “Don’t even know what to say but Matt Hancock’s reasons for being there are ENTIRELY self serving. He is a disgrace and if he felt any remorse whatsoever he would actually be at work trying to implement changes that make peoples lives better rather than engaging in PR.”
@dccarruthers wrote: “So glad people like Chris Moyles are seeing through Matt Hancock’s bulls**t that he’s here for forgiveness with his fake emotion, it’s like the covid vaccine fake cry all over again.”
@AmyHeuser1 added: “@ChrisMoyles just said what I was thinking. There’s a reason why it’s so cringy watching Matt Hancock get emotional, it’s because it’s fake.”
@BertStanley agreed: “Chris Moyles has absolutely nailed it, if Matt claims he did nothing wrong, why is he wanting forgiveness, forgiveness for what !?.”