I Can’t Stop Laughing. According To This Chart, l Am Upper-Class! What Are You?

That depends on your attitude towards it, but I was just playing it safe.

I don’t know about peanuts, but I would say that eating Bombay mix means you’ve dropped through the bottom of the class system, and table etiquette will no longer be expected of you.


It does sound like a load of rubbish and a tad outdated now but an amusing joke against English snobbery - the person laughing the most must be Detlev Piltz - having a National Newspaper puffing off his new book just before it’s published is a feather in his cap.

I laughed out loud at the idea of the “lower class” using paper napkins, folded into strange shapes - none of the families who lived on our housing estate ever used table napkins - we were lucky if we could afford food, never mind paper napkins!
Initials on shirts? Ha! - maybe he is thinking of the “nouveau riche”, darling - proper poor working class folk wouldn’t be wasting money on stuff like that!

oi! I like Bombay Mix :018:

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Well you’re Scottish, aren’t you? :slightly_smiling_face:

And…what exactly do you mean by that??!!

Please consider your answer with caution…! :smiley:



I have, and that’s why I’m not going to answer. :slightly_smiling_face:


Oi, you disrespectful republican, Her Maj likes a bit of Bombay Mix! To the Tower with you :england:😂


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The only thing that that suggests is that the quality of her diet is similar to the quality of her offspring. I most humbly submit. :pensive:

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This is scurrilous and bordering on treason. Evdn Queen Victoria was into some Indian food, and allegedly some Indian if that film with Art Malek in it is anything to go by.

And Bombay mix is authentic Indian food, is it? :thinking:


My Indian friends used to make it from scratch from recipes passed down from generation to generation, so I think it’s fair to assume that the basis is authentic.

Well I don’t know your friends, so I am unable to make such an assumption. :102:

This thread is definitely bordering on racist, beware the dreaded Bots will get you !! :joy::joy:

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Yup, it really is! It’s only called Bombay Mix in Brit Land, though

I’m a bit embarrassed by the pea eating thing because, common as I so obviously am, I’d never dream of eating with it like a spoon, always spear thing on the points, or back

But I don’t know who taught me that was bad manners, somewhere in my head there’s a voice saying “it’s not a shovel :rofl:” but I don’t know whose

It might have been my country granny, she was in service as a young woman as a cook and house keeper and she had a lot of respect for the manners of her “betters” :plate_with_cutlery::fork_and_knife:

It doesn’t matter at all, of course and I would never get judgey about other peoples habits. I love to cook and feed people and just like seeing them get it down ‘em :woman_cook:

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So’s curry:

I used to get really upset when people would use the word “curry”. I would insist that foods be called by their proper names because there is no such thing as curry in Indian food and that curries are a British invention.

But surely, what matters is whether you like it, not who invented it.

It’s the word not the actual meal. It’s like calling, fish & chips, roast dinners, shepherd’s pie, etc. xupeksdh

What I think is very low class in men is wearing a hat while eating indoors and worse those terrible base ball caps that don’t even look good on bas ball players .