How often do you clean your washing machine?

You can use brown but it’s smellier and stains rather easily, much better to use white. Browns often watered down too or had thongs added to make it go further.

No, I mean distilled malt vinegar, it’s white!!

Sensible question…is distilled malt vinegar the same as white vinegar?
I mean, it’s white, so…?

Erm…I always thought malt vinegar was a brownish colour!!,But whatever You do don’t add thongs to it as Julie suggests…the mind boggles :lol:


So is that the same as WHITE VINEGAR?

I need a lie down now :mrgreen:

I’m lost :-p

It’s the malt that makes it brown …right?

Julie’s thongs have got me mystified … in a curiously nice way.

Ah, I’ve just come in …things … not thongs!

Well that’s spoilt my fun.

White vinegar is distilled you can’t make vinegar any other way can you ? It’s malt vinegar that’s brown and has other stuff in it. Best not mention pickling vinegar :mrgreen:

Pickling vinegar has eggs in it - or onions or…



Malt vinegar is made from malted barley, so it has a distinct flavour.

White vinegar is pure acetic acid and water.

I use vinegar powder, which is used in massive quantities in food manufacturing.

You can also sprinkle it on your chips like salt.

It stops your chips getting soggy.

If no-one’s mentioned it already, here’s the link for DP products:

All about:

Soda Crystals
Liquid Soda Crystals
Liquid Soap
Bicarbonate of Soda
Citric Acid
White Vinegar
Borax Substitute
Liquid Bicarb

Automotive Cleaning Tips
Bathroom Cleaning Tips
Household Cleaning Tips
Kitchen Cleaning Tips
Laundry Cleaning Tips
Outdoor Cleaning Tips

and more!

OK just opened that little door thing a the bottom of the washing machine .
indeed the little screws plug and water stated coming out all over the floor …
Will read the instructions tomorrow …

Why do we want to kill all Bacteria ?

The black stuff growing in your washer is mould and bacteria, that makes it smell and your clothes smell, a 90 wash will, over time get rid of all this stuff and keep your washer clean

I haven’t actually got any black stiff growing ( it’s only a few months old)
We never cleaned the old washer and the clothles didn’t smell
( well I never noticed if they did ) I don’t use a dryer always put the clothles out on the line so they always smell nice .

Did the old washer fill with hot water?, did you use bio washing powders.?

Thanks. Have just informed the wife.

Same happened to me Muddy - twice.
I don’t take the darn thing out any more.

I take the soap drawer out and clean it and wipe round inside where the soap drawer fits, then use of the cleaners I said about earlier and do a 60 degs wash to clean all the inside.

I’ve sent for some! (Amazon)

I hope it’s nice!

Erm, I’ve cleaned it once - last month actually! I’ve had it for about 12 yrs :smiley:

I do dry the machine after I’ve used it, the drum and rubber plus the filling up drawers. I also leave the door and drawer open for 24 hrs just to make sure.

Last month I noticed a bit of a whiff so I shoved in some white vinegar and baking soda (I think it was) and did a quick wash cycle.

Never cleaned the filter… I know it’s supposed to leak water when it’s opened, so I’ve never done it.