How often do you clean your washing machine?

You’re right Pesta, about leaving the door and drawer open a little after use. It is supposed to help drying it out as you say.

Ooh good to know I can do sommat right Mupsy :smiley:

Clean a washing machine? I think not… Physician heal thyself.

What ever next? Will you be expecting me to clean the windows? What on earth is rain for?

Following with interes!

I often have to pull out the dispenser (with difficulty) as it gets black and yukky, and spent ages cleaning it. But never put through the vinegar, or other stuff. Maybe I oughta eh?

And I never, ever, close the door after a wash! It stays open, until the next time I use, even if only ajar.

You use your washing machine to clean jars?

Now now. My post pacifically sez ‘ajar’…not ‘a jar’! You bin messing about wiv me words??

Ooooooooooooooooooooo that’s very naughty!!
Shall we ban him? :mrgreen:

Almost 70 posts on how to clean a washing machine. Gawd, just buy something from the shop and stick it in.

Ps, what’s a soap drawer? :mrgreen:

It’s an option to using those tablet things that you put in with your washing. You can also add fabric conditioner in the same drawer.

Of course, if you are washing jars, I think it might be better to use dishwasher tablets.

What if you are washing thongs? :mrgreen:

Well, I suppose it depend what those things might be.

Distilled naturally :mrgreen:

What’s a thong?

And how do you distil them?

Very very carefully :-D:-D

Motht people thing a thong not wash it :wink:

Of courth!
If you thing a thong that would tholve the problem :mrgreen::mrgreen:

Make thure ith a clean thong!!!

But of courth ruthio, clean ith alwayth the way to go. Tell me, will you thing a thong of thixthpenth for Chrithmath finding your thixthpence in the pud ? :wink:


Re: What’s a soap drawer?

Sorry JBR, another instance where I needed a sarcasm button. :lol:

Didn’t Toyah Wilcox thing thongs. :lol: