Hatti girl is not well...update

And as soon as I get them Eileen, I will let everyone know…everyone has been very kind with their comments and support :slight_smile:

Indeed we are. Even if they haven’t had the tests results back yet, they could have phoned you to tell you that. To them Hatti’s just another patient, but to you she’s your world.

It probably would have been better if they’d not said they’d call on Monday, might have been better if they’d said we’ll call you as soon as we have the results in the next few days.

Merz how is Hattie by the way? Are you taking her for longeer walks now?

Marian, I would have been happy with that and would have just waited for a call whenever.

Hatti is more or less back to her usual happy self now, but the Cystitis has taken off big style again, which doesn’t surprise me because of what she’s had done. We are just going on one walk a day instead of two at the moment-just building her up slowly…

Any news yet Merz?

At long last I have results! They rang me this morning with some and then again about an hour ago with rest of them. She is suffering from Chronic Lymphocytic Infiltration Cystitis and is stress related. Had to have this explained to me in plain simple english and means when she gets stressed out about something, her system throws out more white blood cells than she needs and triggers cystitis. Apparently only cats and humans suffer from this-very rare in dogs:shock: There is no cure for it, but its manageable. Trust the Hatti girl to have something rare! She is going to be antibiotics for three weeks because she does have an infection and then we are going to work out what to do to reduce her stress levels-could be she goes on anti-depressants as a calmer, but there are other alternatives we can try as well. Have to take her back in 3 weeks for recheck.

To see her, you wouldn’t think for one moment that she is stressed, but as the Vet said, will we never know how she was treated as a puppy, which could cause recurring cystits and also what goes on in her head.

At least I now know, and can get her sorted out:-) Such a relief with these results, and that it can be managed:-)

That’s good news Merz in that you know there’s nothing sinister going on :slight_smile: and can now go forward. I’ve not heard of this condition before and trust Hatti to get something rare :smiley: Lets hope that you can find a way of easily managing it :slight_smile:

It is good news Marian:-) I’ve never heard of it either…she is a complicated girl:-) It’s been a long haul, but we’ve got there in the end!:slight_smile:

I gather from your previous post that she was a rescue dog! How old was she when you got her?

Never heard of this; thank God it’s treatable. Hard to believe she gets stressed, she’s one of the most loved, cossetted dogs I know! But who knows what could have happened to her when very small that still comes back to bother her…???

Poor lass. I’m so pleased you’ve got her test results and that her condition is manageable. I bet you’re so relieved. :slight_smile:

Goodness Merz, that’s a mouthful of a complaint that Hatti has :shock: trust her to be different! ;-):smiley:

Seriously though, I too am very pleased to hear it is nothing sinister and can be controlled with medication.
It is awful to even think this may have occurred because she was mistreated as a pup:-(, poor girl.

Please give her lots of calming hugs from her OFF aunties :smiley:

She was around 14/16 months old Marian-she was stir crazy when I got her-petrified of newspapers, men with caps on and sticks and she had been shut outside for most of her life apparently:-( Took me about 18 months to get over her fears, although at times she is fearful of men if she doesn’t know them…

It is hard to believe she gets stressed Eileen, especially with the life-style she has:lol: If only our pets could speak and tell us what’s bothering them!

Aw poor Hatti, doesn’t bear thinking about does it what she went through before she landed on her feet with you :slight_smile: You’ve done a brilliant job with her :slight_smile:

I can’t tell you Mollie how relieved I am–spoke to my own Vet, Louise, tonight and she is over the moon that its nothing more serious…

Mags, I though Sarah was never going to finish the diagnosis-like you say, such a mouthful! I love a challenge and Hatti has certainly been one:-),but its upwards and onwards now to get her sorted :slight_smile:

Thank you Marian. Will never understand why anyone gets a puppy then mistreats it:twisted:The only bit of credit I can give her previous owners is that they took her to Lab. Rescue and didn’t just ‘dump’ her on the streets…

If anyone can help her Merz, you and the vets can … you have the patience, love and devotion for her and the vet can provide you with her best medication:-)

That’s all it takes Mags, TLC and an excellent Vet:-)

Please forgive me, but I am so bloody angry at the way this poor creature was obviously mistreated before Merz got her.

I can’t even put into words how angry I feel when I hear of animals being mistreated because it just makes my blood boil.

She was little more than a baby when you got her and, from what I can gather, she’s still less than four years old, which is in doggy terms a young adult dog. No animal should have stress, which I’m sure she doesn’t now, but perhaps things come back to haunt her. It’s so sad.

I don’t know if any of you read about the poor dog I came across many years ago and, had I the means at that moment in time, I would have taken him home with me. I can’t remember where I told that story now though, and I’m not a dog person, but when I got home I was crying at the plight of this poor little thing. :frowning:

Me too Mollie, find it upsetting at how people could mistreat any animal but unfortunately its all too common. I hear lots of stories like this in my line of work usually from people who have rescued them and I really admire them for taking these dogs on and giving them a normal life and lots of tlc :-D:-D

No I didn’t read about your dog story Mollie, sounds sad :frowning: