Hatti girl is not well...update

Mollie, Hatti is 8 and half yrs old now and over the years I have had her she has, has always been prone to Cystitis but never so severe as over the last 18 months or so.

Sorry if I have missed your story about the dog-probably end up with tears in my eyes when I read it-really gets to me when animals are abandoned or mistreated, they are so defenceless…

So glad you finally got the news Merz and thrilled that it’s nothing sinister. :slight_smile: Hopefully, now, with the correct medication she will feel much better…let’s hope so.

Mollie - I can’t put into words how I feel about these monsters who mistreat animals, it makes my blood boil too. :twisted:

I have a little story to tell too, but don’t wish to hijack this thread. :wink:

I’m going to start a new thread about mis-treatment of animals because I don’t wish to hijack this thread either. I’ll tell the story again about the little dog.

Goodnes Merz, poor Hatt-girl, that whatever her previous owners put her through can affect her to this day. I can only thank the lord that she came to you. Some things are meant to be aren’t they? Someone up there knew she belonged to you when you rescued her.
Her condition is news to me too, I’ve never heard of it. I am also relieved that there’s no need for further horrid investigations and this is treatable with meds. You have a fine vet there Merz :slight_smile: More hugs to Hatti-girl xx

Carmen and Mollie, don’t worry about hi-jacking the thread, please feel free :slight_smile: Oh, just seen Mollie has started a new thread…

Thank you Maryl. Some things are meant to be-my previous labs. that I’ve rescued all had various problems-seem to have the knack of choosing one that’s going to need special attention :slight_smile:

Had a long discussion with the Vet this morning, and have pin-pointed what probably caused her severe Cystitis last year for 6 months-she was bit by a German Shepherd, and when this current bout started around 5 months ago, I went on holiday and my Brother looked after her for 2 weeks-started with it when I came home. So with this and what had happened when she was a puppy, somehow seems to make sense now. Hopefully, when she gets on the right treatment, her stress levels won’t go through the roof again:-)

Hi Merz :slight_smile: it’s good to hear it is nothing more serious.
Having lost a 9 month old puppy Millie with kidney failure fairly recently I shudder at the mention of urinary tract problems.

Perhaps a DAP diffuser might help Hatti

Hi Meg :slight_smile: So sorry to hear about your puppy Millie, that must have been heartbreaking for you. It’s bad enough to lose a pet when they are older, but a puppy is tragic:-) A hug to you…

It is good news Meg, thanks. A DAP diffuser/DAP collar, which is worn 24 hours a day, is one of the things, amongst others, that the Vet is looking at. I believe that the diffusers do work well, and presume the collar will be the same. Thanks a lot for the link Meg…

Merz its good to hear that you have pin pointed what may have triggered Hatti’s cystitis last year. Have been looking at the DAP diffuser online as have not come across these before. looks great!

Meg, am so sorry to hear that you lost your puppy through kidney failure, what an awful shock for you and heartbreaking, you don’t expect that to happen to a puppy, very sad.

Thank you, it was dreadful…

Aw she was lovely Meg, thanks for posting her photo, hugs…

Meg, I’m so sorry to hear about Millie :frowning:

She was a beautiful puppy…

…thank you, it is a couple of years ago now but feels like yesterday :frowning:

Meg, what a lovely photo of Millie, she was a gorgeous puppy…

Meg - how awful for you :frowning:

Millie was certainly a beautiful little dog - such a shame :frowning: