Has the Good Morning thread lost its way?

We are Nos Gummy on this version of the site, New Old Stock. :smiley:

Really? Must say I’ve never noticed anything of that sort, but maybe that was happening a while back? Before I joined last Feb?


I haven’t noticed anything sarcastic either…how can you be sarcastic when saying good morning? :017: I like the GM thread, its a nice way of checking in and making sure everyone is alright.


No need to be sarcastic about it :clown_face::partying_face: I’m going :innocent:

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well its now browsin 2am tuesday down under which makes it all a bit strange when for you all in uk it’s about 6pm still monday? I let the dog back in a few mos again and the cat and now feeling refreshed after a few hrs droppin off in the 'puter chair ; nearly falling out a few times and waking finally to see a tv mellow drama in which the characters looked familiar but I couldn’t quite remember them! oh well hi de ho hi de ho and hi to tuesday morn! - monsoon season so rain has been descending and when it wets the tv ariel we lose vision!

Its Sunday at almost 6:30pm. Just sayin’ :smiley: Monday is tomorrow, start of a new week!

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new weeks start anydays, dunnit

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You can start a new week any time you like Mr Macy…I just like Mondays because…because…well, its proper innit? :joy:

crikey Pix you do PROPER

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I do this everyday. I do this because I like being stuck on Saturday. :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: :roll_eyes:


Yes, proper Monday - Friday then Sat/Sun weekend. Doesn’t everyone do this? :flushed:

I like NOday or ANYday

So everyday is Saturday? Hmmm that would work too I suppose :thinking:

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More or less Pixie, although my first day of the week is Sunday. It’s when I change my underwear and my shirt too…Trousers last a few weeks, probably because I wear shorts whenever possible.


Good Morning is like taking registration, then buggering off elsewhere, or wagging it. :laughing:

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Goodnight has an air of finality.

morning all Monday down udder - didn’t hit the sack until 2am and then up and at it 7ish when the bbc tv news is always on over here so it’s nice to hear some posh people talkin for a change! however some days we have to share it with the yanks and that is usually terrible! double cup size of real ground coffee with sweeteners only sometimes I even go a second which means 4 cups in the space of an hr urghhh?? dog fed ; cat fed and sometimes I go ape! looks nice and overcast out there which means less sunshine which sometimes we cherish you may be surprised to hear?

@gumbud shouldn’t you be posting this on the actual Good Morning thread for today?


well I thought I was but I am always 8 hrs ahead which makes you approx 3pm now - this is a 24 hr morning thread is it and around the entire globe as you are also www??

Well no, this isn’t a 24 hour good morning thread. This is a thread talking about the recent lack of interest in the good morning thread. Maybe as a result of this thread, though, there has been an upsurge of interest once again in the daily thread. Here’s today’s good morning thread: Good morning Monday 31st Jan - #8 by SilverTabby