
Hey Roxy,
Thank you so much for sharing your photo with us. That’s some lovely hair you have. :smiley:
You sure have lovely hair. Is it still this long?
What type of colour did you use?

The colours I use come out fairly easily.

I have problem with hair, it’s a man thing I suppose…in that my hair grows profusely from my nose, eyebrows and ears! whilst receding from my head, I tried backcombing …but I ended up not being able to see where I was going .

Rehab!!! Have you tried plaiting it?

Just go in your shed and shave it:mrgreen:

Or just go for waxing.
It doesn’t hurt:077:

That’s dooo last year dear :lol:

I’m thinking a visit to Sweeney Todd:mrgreen:
Nice Pies:mrgreen:

Colour it?:mrgreen:

There is a little known remedy for Male pattern baldness which involves rest your head on the chest of a voluptuous lady…sigh…

Ok I’m outta here:shock:

Is that because you are voluptuous Bratti? If so you could improve Anglo American relations and help my hair loss…:wink:

He’s all bark and no bite Bratti … a cute sweetie really. Take no notice. :lol:

Nope! Flat as a pancake.
Sorry I can’t be of any assistance. :mrgreen:

Gawd, I thought I read I’m outta hair;-)

Damn! You do realise this is not helping Anglo American relationship…do you have a sister?

Sarcasm is the lowest form of wit…go to my bedroom this instant!

I’m waiting in your shed:-D

I don’t think that’s ever gonna happen.
I’m like a shaggy dog.:-p
Morticia’s twin. :lol:

One never knows what he’s doing in there.:048:

I was only teasing my sweet.:smiley:

I am thinking of a hair-raising question.:lol: