
Green for St. Patrick’s Day

Hey Blue
I’m not sure what happened to you and it’s actually none of my business.
All I know is that I don’t want to invest my energy in negativity. That’s not what I came to this site for. This is the first senior site I’ve ever been to and I’m not doing anything wrong. I stay out of politics and religion, am polite to others and have no animosity towards anyone here so your warning makes no sense to me. This is the only thread I have and the only reason I made it was due to your recommendation.
I don’t do serious well. Right now I smell burnt toast and feel circuits exploding in my head just discussing this.
I do funny, bratty, silly , and nerdy REALLY well though :lol:

My husband calls me his Lucy. Today I walked out of the bank and flipped right over the outside railing. :044:
I now have a gashed bleeding shin and and badly bruised thighs but have to admit it looked hilarious!!!

And since it’s St. Patrick’s Day I celebrated with GREEN! It’s not my favourite colour but it was fun.

Sooo Blue, please don’t feel like you need to protect me. I’m wearing my big girl pants.

I am happy to hear that…

Someone once said that we are known by the company we keep. I didn’t want you to get hurt by keeping company with me. But since, you wear big girl pants, I shall leave it up to you to deal with, if it starts kicking you in the pants.

My fav colour is also not green, but it is fun for a day like St. Pat’s eh?

I also got hurt yesterday, I got hit on the head with a cupboard door. Have a big lump right in the center of my forehead. I am very clumsy.

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Loved my long hair lost it to chemo and just as it was starting to come back just a little bum fluff on top got shock of my life and it’s all fallen out again. Looks like I’m wearing a wig and turban for a while longer.

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Sorry to hear that Julie. I have been where you are…it’s been over 5 years now for me. I hope things get better for you soon. :hug:

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Hey there Blue,
Yes the green is fun for St. Pat’s Day but also perfect for elvenwear.
When I first put this colour on, my husband says it looks like my hairs going mouldy :lol: but then I tie it all back and it looks a lot different. I just thought I’d post a pic of it while it looked mouldy just for some freak factor.

I’m clumsy also. I’ve constantly got bruises on my body. Just last month we went skating and I wiped out about six times . Of course I came home black & blue with a fat lip but it was all worth it.

I hope your head feels better. Banging into cupboards and doors is something I do often also. Last summer I knocked myself out while building my greenhouse. My black eye was very colourful. :lol:
I play hard!

Did you get your colours yet?

I’m glad to see you here.

I feel better about posting on this thread now that I know you are ok with it…

I will be getting the colours this week, but it will be towards the end of the week. I have been super busy with medical appointments, with the catarct surgery in April, there is a ton of things I had to get completed…and I still have a busy week until Thurs or Friday. I should have just ordered them on the internet, they would have been here by now…

I have a friend who is going to go with me and pick some colours also. Her hair is longer and it will look awesome. I will post pics of her also. when we get at it.

Beautiful Filly is a friend of mine (she lives in Bowmanville, the other side of Toronto) and I will be at her house after my catarct surgery, so I am going to take the colours with me. She has pure white hair. She has never dyed it, I am going to talk her into trying some with me. Once she knows it will just wash out, I know she will do it…should be fun, :smiley:

PS: I like your phone case…

Hi Julie,
I’m so sorry for your loss. I had previously read your posts about it and i almost cried for you. Its difficult for anyone to lose their hair but especially for a women.

Menopause is also hard on women. There’s a correlation between hormone changes and DHT.

Wishing you the best

Just today I got an email from a friend who had cataract s removed from both eyes and he had a 90% recovery with both eyes.

Oh It’s beautiful filly that lives in Bowmanville. In the introductions that post stuck out at me but I couldn’t remember who it was from.
You ladies are going to have so much fun.
If she has pure white hair, she will totally rock these colours. Many younger women bleach their hair to add colour but when you go naturally grey, silver or white, the colours are crisp and clean.
And CLEARLY from my pictures you can tell they wash out. One reason I wanted to grow in my silvers was so I could have fun playing with these colours.

If I may offer a helpful suggestion:
If you just want to try colour on a small section of your hair, then pull out that amount of hair and put paper towel underneath. It makes application much easier and cleaner.

Please take pictures and post them.
I can’t wait to see them and read about your adventure.
Oh how fun. If I were closer I would love to help colour your hair.

Thanks! :hug:

ok honey, I will remember about the paper towel trick…:smiley:

By next week-end there will be pictures on here…and in May it will be Filly and I and there will be lots as I will probably be with her for nearly a week.

I have gray hair, not a lot, but around the temples, lots…
Last time I got my highlights done, I did an “all over auburn” first…but now it is growing in about an inch, so, I am not going to touch it I don’t think.

What I usually do (because it is so expensive), when my highlights start to look brassy, I buy an ice blonde dye, and put it all over my hair, it turns the highlights lighter and it doesn’t touch the rest of my hair because it is too dark. It also makes my gray look nice…

But now that I am going to experiment with the colours, I won’t do that for a while.

Thanks for sharing with me about your friend’s cataracts. 90% is great !! My fingers crossed that mine is successful also…I am really ready because I can hardly read anymore, they are so bad. I think we all get them sooner or later.

Good night friend…signing off !! :hug:

Hey Beautiful Blue,
An entire week? That’s awesome Blue!
You two shall have lots of fun.
Maybe by May I might be able to meet you both for lunch one day.

I’ll be real excited to see pictures of you two.

Going to the hairdressers is incredibly expensive which is one of the reasons I don’t go but the other reason is that I hate anyone touching me. It’s far too close for comfort.

I personally LOVE silver, greying hair. It’s a perfect colour as is and makes a perfect canvas for whatever colour you desire. A persons natural colour always suites them. Plus most hair dyes aren’t good for you or your hair so it will be healthier for you.

Have you decided what colours you are going to pick?

Have you decided where you are going to put it?

Did you meet Beautiful Filly on another board or do you have pm ability?


I forgot about the Rose Gold until I looked back on the posts. That is one I will get for sure. Will that go with almost anything as a second colour?? (Tips at first, mostly on the back and maybe one small piece in the front)

**Wild blueberry, if you wish to question the whereabouts of posts/threads/Moderators actions please start a thread in the Forum Questions/Feedback section.

Good morning Bratti…you are absolutely right, I am the one from Bowmanville. :smiley: We, Blue and I always have way too much fun when we’re together… I should imagine that playing around with colours for our hair will be no exception. But, only the wash out kinds for sure as my daughter would kill me if I used permanent dyes…:mrgreen:

I am getting really excited now that I know we’re doing some colouring…and I don’t mean in a book. Very :cool: !

So, Bratti…going by the wording in your post…I am assuming that perhaps y’all live close to Bowmanville?

Enjoy the rest of your day…BF. :hug:

I love my long hair and have only had it cut short the once…Big Mistake, I hated it. I wear it in all different styles up, down, tied back, platted. whatever the mood takes me.
This was how I did it for a Halloween Party. :lol::lol::lol: But it washed out after a LOT of scrubbing.

Wow Roxy what a lovely head of hair you have! Is the wave in it natural?

Yes Rhian it is. :slight_smile:

You’re lucky

Mines as straight as they come and fine
I have to keep it in a bob or it gets ratty!

Hey there Blue,
Yes the rose gold is the one I originally suggested. You can’t go wrong with the rose gold but no it doesn’t go with any other colour. It will go nicely with pink or purple. I strongly suggest the purple. For one, it’s the hottest colour of the season but more importantly, it’s a soft colour which will look flattering in small amounts on you. Have fun my spunky friend.:hug:

Hey Beautiful Filly.
You and your daughter, have my word , that it will indeed wash out. :smiley: I can’t blame your daughter for that one. If using a gentle shampoo, it might take two washes but if using a clarifying shampoo, it will wash out no problem first time… I swear. :mrgreen:
You ladies are going to have soooo much fun. Seriously I’m jealous:blush:

And ‘no’ I don’t live anywhere near Bowmanville but I would be very willing to drive down to meet you ladies. I checked online and see you have a holiday inn and best western which are good enough for me.

P.S. … Please don’t feel obligated to post pictures. I was only kidding about calling you all chickens :-p

BUT if you DO, that would totally be AWESOME!!!
Just sayin’:wink: