Greta Thunberg is coming to Glasgow for COP26

It’s amazing how science and the medical community got such praise and coverage for pointing the way to deal with a pandemic even if it was often ignored by our pollies (and look at the mess they made of it) but suddenly everybody and his dog with a crackpot opinion on climate science gets a hearing and are allowed to shout down the voices of scientific knowledge on this subject.

I have a grandson with Asperger’s and about midway on the index, but he does not preach to people and would rather hide away from such confrontational episodes. IF Thunberg does have Asperger’s, then she much be very low in the index to function the way she does; well, that’s if she actually does have it and it’s not just a category of convenience.

I remember hearing, reading, seeing a psychologist saying that every single human being is on the Asperger’s Index. It’s just that the great majority of us are so low on the index that it doesn’t show itself. :crazy_face:

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I suppose it does depend on how each individual is assessed. Although there are around 50 items that comprise the ASDS, those 50 items are drawn from five specific areas → Language, cognitive, social, maladaptive and sensorimotor. All I know about GT is what I see and hear from the TV, press and the radio, so I’m in no position to form an opinion as I’ve never met the woman.

Wake up Bruce, they’re working to an agenda…
If we are going to clean up and save the planet we should start at home in our own country.
There is much to do locally.

Contrary to what most people think, the world was not created for the convenience of the human race, and we must put up with her moods. Humans have adapted to live on this planet, not the other way round. You can’t adapt the planet to suit our requirements, so it is we who must adapt.


As a matter of interest, how did GT get to the COP26 event? Did she float in using a hot-air balloon? Maybe a full-rigged ship, or perhaps a catamaran?

How about arriving on a diesel powered train, or in a motorcade of 4ltr Mercedes-Benz’s? Chances are that she flew in on a private jet like the rest of them did, thus blowing her green credentials out of the water.

Just another do as I say, not as I do hypocrite.


Well the story goes that she came to Glasgow by train from down south…I don’t know how she got from Sweden to the UK though. :thinking:

I’ve renamed the COP26 as the Orwellian “Ministry For Setting Good Examples” :lol:

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Trouble on the streets of Glasgow today.

Oh how I wish I was there: I love a good demo.

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‘You can shove your climate crisis up your arse’: Greta Thunberg sings at Cop26

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Mr P captured that on video earlier …they all got kettled by the police. It was a loud but peaceful protest…what an atmosphere though! I really want to go…! :joy: Its a once in a lifetime opportunity…

…but then again, so is Covid :roll_eyes:


What percentage of the atmosphere is carbon dioxide?
Answer = 0.04%

Alan Jones talking out his arse as usual.

Prior to industrialisation it was 0.027% - that’s a pretty big change isn’t it?

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It’s rising fast

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And of course we could accurately measure to 0.013 % the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere pre industrialisation days couldn’t we. Of course, if it’s stuck in the ice it’s not in the atmosphere is it…

Even if the figures from the Ice core samples are correct.
I can’t see how a 0.011 % change in the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would make a dramatic difference. Before man walked on the surface of the earth the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere was far greater than it is now. There is actually a lot less now than in previous times.


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They’ve been measuring it since the 50s or 60s and we have to assume a chart like this is meaningful … if you know how to read charts and the difference between 03.2 and 04.something

I’m not sure guessimations of life or otherwise from billions of years ago help us much @OldGreyFox

I’m not a violent person but I could right punch that Greta on the nose :roll_eyes: wonder if the bot will tell me I’m not a very nice person again because I have an opinion other than what wokeys want me to have


Ha ha…never mind what the bot says LQ,I know You are a VERY nice Person.