Greta Thunberg is coming to Glasgow for COP26

Except when she’s in drink. :lol:

I expect there’s many people feel the same Queenie.

I saw something in todays paper about her swearing in her speech recently…
Apparently she said someone or other was pis**d, and then went on to use the ‘F’ word.
Now she has promised to say something good every time she has said something bad.
I didn’t realise she is 18 now.
A strange little person isn’t she.

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Possibly because you are neither a climate scientist nor a mathematician

(400 - 270)/270 x 100 = 48% increase

Neither are you Bruce!
Didn’t you mention on another thread that an increase of 1% to 1.3% was negligible?

“Be careful of the wording, a 30% increase from (say) 1% is 1.3%. Which makes it far less stunning”

But he’s right though isn’t he Bruce?
You would expect someone banging on about saving the planet by reducing the amount of CO2 in the atmosphere would have a clue what they were talking about!

Isn’t that what the so called climatologists are doing as well d00d?

Apples and oranges

Someone’s got to do it. :wink:

I guess it shows that the co2 levels haven’t increased in millennia but shot up in the last century.

If climatologists are to be believed.

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Sometimes I’m quite shocked at the venom directed at Greta Thunberg. She’s only 18 after all and I thought it was nice to see her singing a rude song like an ordinary eighteen year old for once. (I hope those having a pop at her for it haven’t ever said “ass” or sung a disrespectful song when they were young, convenient memory loss, some people)

The most spiteful remarks seem to come from older people, often men and can be quite violent and cruel, about her appearance, disability etc. Even Trump had a go.

Do you think it’s an “Old Stag” patriarch thing and they don’t like being challenged and told they’re wrong by a disrespectful upstart, especially a girl? So they want to slap her down and put her in her place?

I even saw online an older gentleman, who was a grandfather, saying he’d like to spank her bottom! :hushed:

How Freudian is that! :roll_eyes:


Nothing to do with the fact that she’s talking bolix Maree?

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You’re absolutely right, but there is a number they can call:

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Oh thank you so much, that is absolutely brilliant, that’s exactly it! What a good laugh first thing in the morning xxxx

Have pinched it to share with just about everyone, you are a gem! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

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Well, she may well be, so do lots of politicians, Johnson included, but grandfathers don’t usually want to spank their bottoms for it!

And there seems to be extra spite directed at her, more than just saying she’s talking bolix.

It’s like they’re extra offended that it’s a young girl daring to talk bolix and they take it as a personal affront.

And some of it is very cruel, comments on her looks, her autism etc and what they’d like to do to her. She clearly gets right up peoples noses!


Such fragile male ego’s eh? :roll_eyes:

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I would never insult or offend her Maree, I never have, and would never condone insulting her. However, if you are prepared to stand up in front of the world’s media and voice your opinions you must accept the flak that is inevitably going to come your way. I blame her parents for using her in this way, and it is these who are taking away her childhood…


Its in the genes…

It is true that she’s always been very unchildlike, although I suppose that at 18 she’s a woman now. I do thing she’s probably been manipulated, it’s like showbiz parents, isn’t it?

That’s why I laughed when she was singing the shove it up your ass song, good to see her slip the leash and not be a goody two shoes, I bet that wasn’t in the script!

Of course if you put yourself in the public eye and are controversial you have to take on all comers but I do think a lot of the hostility she gets is over the top and quite cruel