Getting fit for 2019 - Are you going to?

I don’t agree that going on a diet is a waste of time.
Not if it leads you along the road of looking carefully at what you eat and being more discerning about your food choices.

Plus, if and when those first pounds start to drop off you may be so encouraged that you actually stick to the new regime.

Obviously I’m not including daft crazy gloop mess kind of diets!

I hear what you are saying Ruthio but the evidence suggests that many people don’t look carefully at their food choices and that any weight they lose is put back on with more besides.

I think in many cases dieters use the diet or slimming club leader as a kind of lazy tutor. Instead of the person properly educating themself in regards to what are good and bad foods and how they combine, they just give the problem to someone else to sort and so they just follow recipes they have been given.

An example would be a Slimming World suggested recipe for a pasta. It has an ingredient of “a jar of passata” but makes absolutely no attempt to ask the dieter to check the jar for sugar content. As a result dieters will likely just pick up any old jar and then will be creating a sugary pasta which will get them nowhere.

The other issue that arises from your latter comment of that most diets result in a few pounds being shed pretty quickly which is usually water loss. Most dieters know full well that this early weight loss quickly plateaus and subsequent weight is hard to shift and losing the odd 1/2 lb isn’t then very encouraging when people are looking to lose stones.

I wish there were clubs that genuinely educated people about foods, proper nutrition advice, but that wouldn’t make for a very profitable business model as people would attend once and then should never need to come back. Slimming clubs work on a model of repeating customers.

You flatter yourself I’m “desperate”… dream on. :smiley: “Diets do not work. Period imho” is the most cretinous statement I have ever heard anyone make. No good attempting to qualify what you meant at this late stage. Backpedal all you like, you’re wasting your time after that little gem and you lost whatever credibility you had remaining to you.

Your comments are utterly ridiculous Tachyon. My statements were patently clear and I have no need whatsoever to back peddle. I stand by them 100%.

No more exchanges on this. You’re not worth it.

My exercise consists of walking a some miles at a brisk pace a few times a week, digging the allotment and bike riding. I have to admit to buying an e-bike but heck! I am knocking on a bit now. I’d still ride the mountain bike if going off road but those rides don’t happen so frequently these days.

My neighbour’s doctor told her now she’s over 50, she should exercie more and get more fresh air.

So she said she will drive more with the car window open.

Alright alright, . . I’m going . . :slight_smile:

So well stated. A change in what one eats certainly can make a huge difference to weight loss and exercise routine. I lost a huge amount of weight by changing what I ate and exercising, mainly just walking my dogs.

Correct terminology when debating any subject is crucial.
Really good point.

I’ve increased my exercise program by going to the gym 2 or 3 times a week and it’s really making a big difference

My exercise machine…deploys me several times a day.

I have two of those exercise machines


No! Dogs. They all walk. :lol:

I have always considered myself as a lazy woman, who is a busy housewife. But lately, I feel that I am always tired even before it’s night time. I felt that it was because I lacked exercise and staying healthy.
Apart from eating healthier, it’s my 2019 goal to start doing more simple exercises that can be done at home such as squats, lifting and neck training… Health is definitely wealth…

After my hip injury a little over a year and a half ago I thought I would never ride again let alone do any serious exercise training, but luckily I’m pretty much healed and back in the saddle but not doing as many risky things. Cheers to the best 2019!

After doing a crippling (to me at least) a long walk up and down hills at Scotney castle the next day (yesterday) I could hardly walk the upper parts of the legs were in agony.
Today not quite so bad so walked into our village and back , about 1.5 miles. Going to have to walk further to get fit enough for the Hols

Trying! … got onto manual pedals (exercise bike) from electric passive training ones this year. Slowly getting a bit further each month!

My main exercise is walking. - My nearest shop is 1 x mile from my house - so it is a 2 x mile trip each time I go shopping. While I had an injured foot friends either took me in their car or did my shopping for me. In between I languished on the sofa with a stack of DVDs. 4 x months of idleness is not good!!

Now the foot is better - I am walking to the shops again - plus - I have joined a rambling group that meets on alternate Thursdays. I want to rebuild my stamina gradually. My diet is healthy in as much as I cook everything from scratch using best quality products - not so good as I have a tendency to eat more than I should - to combat this I am cooking and eating smaller portions. Also once I replace my freezer I can discipline myself to freeze left-overs instead of eating them!

I did not lose any weight while I was injured - but - did not gain any either so perhaps the smaller portions are beginning to work.

Hopefully I will be fighting fit again before Winter sets in.

ST, I’ve been wondering how you’ve been getting along…

Four months! I had no idea. I am so sorry to know you and “The Thing” had such a lengthy relationship. So pleased to know that you finally sent him packing :lol:.

How nice it must be for you to be walking again and enjoying your group. Happy miles :-D.

Glad to hear you are on the mend Tabs:)


Yes, me too Tabby…:smiley:
You can’t keep a good woman down, ata boy Tabs…:cool: