Getting fit for 2019 - Are you going to?

Whilst some of post our exercise regimes and routines in the ‘Post You Daily Exercise Routine’ thread, I know others amongst you do partake in some form of exercise without posting and that’s fine. But what about the rest of you on here?

This is not another “Do you exercise?” question, but more of a question to ask yourselves…Do you think you should make an effort next year to look after your health more? And what better time of the year to begin a new exercise, fitness and diet plan than in a few days time at the onset of a brand new year? I do realise that some of you are very ill with various complaints which make physical activity a problematic area…but could you watch your diet more carefully instead, yes? And if the age card is pulled, that is nonsense. It’s never too late to start or resume exercise.

So how about it then folks? Ask yourself how much time you spend on the internet and how much of that time you can spare to get motivated and enjoy the benefits of exercise. Even a short brisk walk a couple of times a day makes all the difference toward a better, healthy lifestyle. After all, your health is the most important thing you have in your life. And remember, ‘‘post your daily exercise routines’’. If anyone needs help and advice I’m sure us folks in there can assist you with any questions you may have regarding the best way to start exercising :slight_smile:

Good luck :cool::cool:

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I always feel like I can’t do more than I do, I walk the dogs couple of times a day 20 minutes each time. But I save myself for my 3 hours cleaning in the evening. The problem with MS I don’t know how I’ll feel day to day so planning things is hard. If I do too much I can’t work body just says no. So it’s hard.

Lucky I’m a fairly happy unfit person. Find joy in little things I can do. I’m resigned to not being fit.

My mind set is 100% on exercise,…how do I get 100% mindset on my diet?..I’m ok for a little while,then I relapse,I hate how I feel,when I eat junk food.i also get depressed over it.

When I lost a lot of weight I managed because I saw food as food no good no junk. I added up calories and if I wanted a chocolate bar I had it but I knew that meant less for the rest of my meals. People don’t like calories these days but if you use them you can have treats and what you call junk as long as you take that off your allowance.

Julie, there is nothing at all wrong with the exercise you are doing. MS is a debilitating problem and restricts you doing many things in life you enjoy doing, but walking the dogs is very good exercise and it’s surprising how many calories you can burn off by doing basic household chores.:cool::cool:

Hi Pauline.
I relapse into eating not so healthy ‘junk’ food sometimes at weekends when I’m home and snacking in front of the TV. I also like an afternoon out on Saturday with my friends, which is essential as it’s social time away from work. But I’m lucky in that I have good dietary plans for the rest of the week.
One way I’ve found this year to minimise the amount of fat, sugar and salt content in foods is to check on the items you buy from the supermarket; those 5-band colour-coded nutritional guidelines which range from white (good) to red (bad for you) and rule out anything red or orange. Chocolate, sweets, crisps and ready meals are the worst culprits. Go for crackers and oatmeal snack bars instead.
Include more chicken and fish in your diet and base many recipes and meals around healthy, protein-based foods and you’ll see a much improved lifestyle. :cool:

I haven’t done much of my favourite exercise which is hill climbing for the last two years due to having trochanteric bursitis - hills were definitely out of the question.

Now it’s getting better I’ve already started re-introducing hills into my walking routine and hope to be back in full swing in a month or so.

I also swim or do aqua fit 2 or 3 times a week.

That’s about it really except on rainy days when we can’t go walking, my friend & I have a session at the gym.

I also have my own mini gym - cross trainer - rower - trampoline- weights - kettlebells etc that I use quite often.

The improvement in my bursitis has given me a new lease of life. :slight_smile:

I’m going to try my best. I live near a health food shop and plan on visiting there more often.

Gone are the days when I could walk 8 miles.

That’s great news Carol. It just goes to show that if that will to succeed; that determination there to break through some barriers and fulfil your goals. Great work :cool:

Ffosse, you are one of the exceptions mate, and I know you would do your very best to do more exercise if you could. Just putting up with all your ailments is courage and determination way beyond any of us more able-bodied folk who exercise regularly. My full admiration for your continued battling of this awful condition you’re in at present. You’ll get there buddy :023:

I’m not committing to get fit, I’m committing to get fitTER because I think I am already relatively fit after my healthy diet and fitness regime over the past 18 months.

I go to the gym regular and swim after each session. I also do a spin class once a week and a Zumba class once a week besides walking my dog.

I will continue on my healthy eating regime which I broke for one day (Christmas Day) but back to it on Boxing day.

I’m very lucky because I don’t have any debilitating illness so I’m treasuring my ability to exercise whilst I can.

Incidentally, I have arthritis in my left knee which before I embarked on my healthy routine was debilitating and I was in a bad way, however, since losing all this weight I’m happy to report my arthritis is not NEARLY as painful and is definately much, much better.

Happy New Year!

I’ll echo that scenario about the knee problem, Lion Queen. As you may remember I’ve had some similar issues over the past year with mine but they’re virtually fine now, having weeded out various things which may have contributed to the pain. Mine being making sure I don’t ‘twist’ my feet too far round without moving my legs - if you know what I mean, watching how I climb down the stairs and like yourself, keeping the weight at a reasonable level.

You do keep yourself very fit anyway as you say, so any extra exercise can only improve your already healthy state of physical effort :cool:

Good Thread Floydy, As you know I like to do between 40 n 50 lengths 5/6 days a week, walk the dog every day and exercise the Clydes a few times a week. I can assure you that horse riding will give your thighs the best workout ever lol.
I just started back at the pool yesterday as it was shut for a few days over Christmas, But I have 5 days till it’s shut again for New Year, so I’ll be working hard till then.
As Floydy says it’s a good time to start thinking about health issues and planning how to work around them, getting a wee bit fitter in the process.
Good Luck to all you new ones planning on doing it.

Why is this flipping pad changing my spelling all the time… Fume. I have to keep editing it back. :mad2:

I am ever in awe of how active everyone is on this forum. So many of you have resolved to keep moving despite some mounting challenges and I think that’s a lot harder than working out when the machine is running smoothly. Do more, and do it more consistently than the year before is all it takes.

Carol, I have been wondering how you’ve been doing and am genuinely pleased to hear you are getting some relief! I respect you so much for the work you did in the water while I know you were still in a lot of pain, and I was wondering whether or not you think that time in the water helped in your improvement? You go get those hills!:041::mini::038:

Julie, when I brought my kids home from Russia, they were so malnourished that we literally spent the days eating. All day, every day :lol:. I put on a fair amount of weight for the first time in my life. When I decided to take it off, the only thing that worked for me was strictly counting calories. Everyone has their own strategies, but it really is calories in, calories out ;-).

Pauline, in following up with what Julie said, there are several calculators online that can help you determine the maximum number of calories you can eat given your activity level. What worked for me was calculating this number, and then spending some time figuring out foods I enjoyed that were low in calories and high in nutrition. I literally emptied the pantry, freezer, and fridge of the “bad” foods. I also cut back on dining out - there are just too many hidden calories.

LionQueen, you attitude and program are awesome. You have done so well this year. You must be really proud of your progress and fitness :039::026:.

, any walking you can do to maintain/build muscle and maintain your cardio fitness will help you sleep better, improve you metabolism, and give your body the strength to fight and heal. Just make sure that you are eating well enough to pair with any activity or you can leave yourself run down. I know you are have hit a rough patch, so good things your way.

I have a mighty challenging year ahead, so all the more reason for me to increase the weight bearing exercise and clean up my eating. Roxy suggested sewing up her/my mouth. I am thinking duct tape my do the trick.

2019 - On your mark…get set…

Hey Floydy, and all other fitness folks here - there is a documentary on telly next Wednesday, Jan. 2nd, Ch. 5 at 9 pm that might interest you.

It is called “The Big Fat Lies about Diet & Exercise.”

It says -

“Documentary examining the pros and cons of the diet industry, expert contributors including Nutritionists, Dieticians, GP’s, Cardiologists, Fitness trainers, and Psychologists, helping to explain why fat and carbs are actually good for us. Plus a look how sugar is as potentially addictive as cocaine, and how there is as much chlorine in a packaged Salad as in a swimming pool!”

I’ll be watching it, sounds interesting.
It is on for 2 hours.

Thanks Mups, I’ve set my timer :023::023:

I noticed in the paper today, an article telling women they too can get a six pack in just eight weeks. Is that really possible Floydy?

It’s possible for anyone who puts the effort in mate. The stomach muscles are actually situated just beneath the skin, so they can stand out slightly even following a few ab crunches or sit-ups, depending on the level you go to - weight/reps, etc. Like all muscles they need to be maintained though and not neglected for too long or they will disappear.

Do you/have you exercised much in the past, Longdogs? Apart from carrying your sacks of rubble that is? :cool:

That sounds worth a watch to me Mups thanks for posting it :slight_smile:

I used to when I was younger. I dabbled in weight training when I was teenager and again when I was in my late twenties and also jogging - I never really got past the five mile mark but it was enough for what I needed. Got to love it in the end and felt so fit but an old knee injury stopped me doing it. I haven’t done any proper training since although I do have fads of using the exercise bike. I am planning to start that again on Tuesday.

Yep should be interesting but I’ve noticed before that mainstream TV usually doesn’t tell the truth in regards to most things in this area. They rarely take on the sugar manufacturers for example.

Overall I find it depressing how many people start each New Year with these various resolutions to go on some form of diet. It’s just a waste of effort.

Diets do not work. Period imho.

Any “diet” is by definition just a temporary eating change and as such will soon enough come to an end at which point normal service is resumed.

The focus is also completely wrong. Most dieters are looking to LOSE WEIGHT. What they should be doing is looking to be healthy. Weight loss is just a natural byproduct of being healthy.

The road to health (and thus subsequent body rebalancing of weight) lies in finally understanding and accepting that the body needs the right fuel to exist. Give it the right fuel and health follows.

It’s a mind set we have to get into imho. Once you have that epiphany then it no longer matters what you “think” you like to eat and don’t like to eat. It only matters to give the body the proper fuel it needs. It is just a machine like any other.

Many older people still bear their childhood food foibles which is pretty ridiculous. “Oh I can’t eat green beans, I never touch 'em” and the like.

We have to put aside these mental discriminations and just give the body what it needs.

Diets will never ever work.

What is needed is this simple understanding of the body and the acceptance and determination to give it what it needs and to stop poisoning it with junk and harmful things.

That simple act rebalances everything, stops the body having to constantly expend valuable energy detoxing itself and instead lets it devote energy to regeneration and healing and streamlining. Health ensues and as part of that body weight is rebalanced.

The best resolution many people could make this New Year is to never go on a diet again.
