Whilst some of post our exercise regimes and routines in the ‘Post You Daily Exercise Routine’ thread, I know others amongst you do partake in some form of exercise without posting and that’s fine. But what about the rest of you on here?
This is not another “Do you exercise?” question, but more of a question to ask yourselves…Do you think you should make an effort next year to look after your health more? And what better time of the year to begin a new exercise, fitness and diet plan than in a few days time at the onset of a brand new year? I do realise that some of you are very ill with various complaints which make physical activity a problematic area…but could you watch your diet more carefully instead, yes? And if the age card is pulled, that is nonsense. It’s never too late to start or resume exercise.
So how about it then folks? Ask yourself how much time you spend on the internet and how much of that time you can spare to get motivated and enjoy the benefits of exercise. Even a short brisk walk a couple of times a day makes all the difference toward a better, healthy lifestyle. After all, your health is the most important thing you have in your life. And remember, ‘‘post your daily exercise routines’’. If anyone needs help and advice I’m sure us folks in there can assist you with any questions you may have regarding the best way to start exercising
Good luck