Foxys Forthcoming Hospital Visit

Today should be the day that I go to Sheffield Northern General hospital for my op, but on Friday I received a phone call telling me not to set off until they call me. Apparently they are still struggling for beds in the cardiac ward…
Fingers crossed…

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Blimey, that sounds a bit stressful in itself, having to wait and see! Hope it happens sooner rather than later Foxy! :hugs:

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Oh Gawd, not again Foxy.
That’s the second time, isn’t it?

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Good luck - this time!

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Foxy I know it is a pain having to keep changing your op date, but look at it this way… If you are cross with them changing it, then your mind will be more interested in the inconvenience so you wont be thinking as much about the op. :smiley:

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Look at it as a badge of honour OGF, it is good news.

When they are short of beds they assess things on the need for urgency, you are not that ill that they have you you in immediately.

The NHS is under pressure at the moment.

I am classed as one of them , more than 5 times a year and was contacted by the specialist team dealing with such patients.

Condescending gits, all mine where heart attacks or so life threatening in was in Resus or Intensive care.

If they leave it more than a fortnight for a new date, you need to put the pressure on.

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Hope you’re ok OGF.

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Hi Bob :slightly_smiling_face: hope you have now had the procedure and are resting and mayby going home soon…

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Hi Bob, I’m hoping no news is good news and your op is ‘on’.

Fingers crossed for you :crossed_fingers: x

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What Mags said!! Hope you’re OK Foxy x

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Thanks everyone, unfortunately it was cancelled again and a new date of 17th December scheduled…

Not cross Twink, just disappointed…What can you do.
At least I’m able to still go out walking and do stuff, and I would hate to take a bed off someone who really needs it.

I can see your point Swim, and I understand the predicament that the NHS are in at the moment and to be honest it’s not much of an inconvenience for me, but my daughter had wasted a day on standby until they telephoned me later in the day to tell me it was cancelled.

Thanks for all your good wishes but I was disappointed not to see more hugs…


Here’s one to go on with Bob…


Brilliant! Thanks Mags you almost squeezed the life out of me…
But what a way to go…

Off for my walk now and then put up some Christmas lights outside the house, I thought I might not be able to do them this year. Definitely not turning them on until the 1st of Dec though… :hourglass_flowing_sand:


You would not want a hug from me OGF, I am so ugly it would have given you a full blown Heart Attack.

The Heart Ward and Surgeons have no choice in the matter OGF, it all depends on who comes into Resus and where the Resus Consultants decide people need to go.

I will beat you every time to a Specialist Coronary Care Unit bed, simply because I am having a full blown attack every time I ring 999.

I hate being in Hospital, self medicate until the absolute last moment before I ring 999.

I am constantly told off for leaving it so late, but I remind them that they are always saying do not ring 999 until it is an absolute emergency.

Yep, they say, but that does not apply to genuine cases like you with inoperable life threatening conditions.

You can’t win whatever you do.

Oh no Foxy! I am so sorry to hear this. You must be so disappointed. I will keep everything crossed for you that it really will be a case of third time lucky xx

No hugs from me OGF. But a brief message of support and best wishes from my “retired from forums” home.

Thanks Swim, perhaps I will pass on that hug, but I don’t mind stepping aside while they give you the treatment you need to keep you ticking over and posting on the forum…

Thanks Sheba, I’m sure that my turn will come eventually…

Good to hear from you Dex, I’ve missed you on here and thanks for your support. I’ve also cut down big style on my appearances on the forums. Life’s too short. All the best mate and hope you come back soon…


Hiya sexy legs - have a lot of hugs!


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I’ll sleep well tonight Tabby…
:sleeping_bed: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

Foxy, you are a stalwart!