ERM!!!..I’m not tellin’ cos I don’t want shouted at…peace and luv to all here ,heh heh…;~)
Coward (just joking );-)
Who is shouting? HELLOOOO, can you hear me? Check your batteries.
Och I know…I’m just a sweet old Lady and easily intimidated !! ;~)
Yeah we believe you :-p
I could use an explanation of how you reach this logic based on the numbers I provided. It just doesn’t add up as far as I can see.
Mercury levels in fish - typically 250 ppb (parts per billion)
Mercury levels in vaccine - 51,000 ppb
So you would have to eat (51000/250) = 204 lots of tuna fish to take in the same dosage of Mercury as the vaccine !
Also to say that putting 51,000 ppb of Mercury in your body “won’t hurt me” is rather misleading imo. I strongly urge you to read this link from the Environmental Protection Agency which highlights the dangers of Mercury in drinking water:
“EPA regulates mercury in drinking water to protect public health. Mercury may cause health problems if present in public or private water supplies in amounts greater than the drinking water standard set by EPA.”
Let’s be clear, the above clearly states it will only cause health problems if the levels are greater than the standard set by the EPA.
Ok so what is that standard?
It tells you on that same web page on the right hand side.
“Maximum Contaminant Level (MCL) = 0.002 milligrams per Liter (mg/L) or 2 parts per billion (ppb)”
Just 2, TWO ppb !!
And you think 51,000 ppb “won’t harm you” !
“Some people who drink water containing mercury well in excess of the MCL over many years could experience kidney damage”
Wow. Just wow !
Realist - I know what it’s like to research a subject come to conclusions and then have others not go along with them. I think all you can do is to write about what you do and set out the evidence or arguments as to why. People will read it, mull it over and either agree or disagree.
After that, trying to convince others to come to the same conclusions mostly won’t work. Perhaps best to think that you made people aware of your research and the job is done. Leave it at that because no amount of further writing will make a difference. I used to do as you but about 10 years back. This was mostly regarding computer topics but it could involve the same amount of writing and debating. Too many long posts might even mean they get skipped (maybe like this one :)).
Regarding flu, I’ve had it a few times and it is certainly more than a rough chest and a runny nose. I found I couldn’t get out of bed with it. I once read of a good hypothetical test: You manage to get to the window and see somebody drop a £20 note. If able go outside and pick it up, you haven’t got flu. The few times I’ve had flu, I wouldn’t have been able to. I was a lot younger the last time and the flu eventually passed. I think the danger is now that I am older, real flu might not be so easy (or even possible) to get over.
I have taken note of what you have written and have heard of concerns about the flu jab in the past. However, I think a balance has to be thought out that applies to oneself. This being between the risks of the jab itself and the possibility of getting flu.
I think the ‘proof of the pudding is in the eating’ comes into the equation as well. I’ve been having the jab since before my age qualified me for it. This being because I got flu one year and couldn’t look after my disabled wife. This means I must have been having flu jabs for around 16 years. I have not had influenza nor any noticeable side effects from the jab during that time.
I now think I might as well have the jabs as not. I’m 70 and reckon I’ve made it anyway. Lots of people don’t make it this far, flu jabs or not. If flu jabs are going to adversely affect my health, they are taking quite a long time to do it.
I suppose I should mention that although feeling very healthy, I do have a health problem. However, this first occurred when I was 40, a very long time before any toxins from the flu jabs were injected into me. I mention this just in case I write further on this at a later date. I don’t want suspicions being laid on my decision to have flu jabs.
All the best and thanks for writing about your findings and opinions on the matter.
Has it not occurred to you yet the benefits I get from the flu jab far out weigh anything you can come up with. I have my life back from the constant chest infections and I am happy with that. We castigate parents for not providing herd immunity from the illness preventable by vaccination of babies and young children, perhaps time to say the same about people who refuse to protect themselves and others from flu which can kill.
Scaremongering is not helpful with these diseases we need to protect as many as we can to provide protection to those who don’t have the jabs too. You are getting protection by those of us who do get the jabs so perhaps support us instead of trying to stop us helping ourselves and everyone else.
I’m hijacking nothing it is the Flu Jab time thread it’s you blah blah blah on each thread so you don’t know which is which. If anyone is looking silly it’s you go and tell the NHS the flu jab is wasting money.
It’s not me that is coming up with anything Julie. I am simply showing you the research and facts. That research shows that approx only 1 person in 100 people will benefit. If I look at that data objectively rather than emotionally, then no, I personally don’t see that the benefits outweigh the risks.
That’s great it really is, but it has nothing at all to do with the Flu Jab. The Flu jab is an anti-viral vaccine. It has no effect on infections. You need antibiotics for that. I think we concluded that any such benefit you are seeing is perhaps from the pneumonia jab rather than the flu jab.
Some do yes. That said there are many thousands of parents who are rightly concerned about the whole vaccination system, the fact that the producers don’t have to have done controlled tests before using them, the fact that independent studies reveal alarming results and so on. We remember with sadness how the vaccination of children years ago lead to the Thalidomide era. We would not wish to see such things repeated surely?! So the entire industry needs to be locked down, have very tight rigid controls, be thoroughly tested before ever a vaccine goes public and so on. Sadly we are very far away from that situation.
Again let me provide evidence to back up my claims. Take another look at the box label for FLULAVAL here:
“there have been no controlled trials adequately demonstrating a decrease in influenza disease after vaccination with FLULAVAL”
I mean seriously !!! This industry, this medical institution you want to put your faith in is legally allowed to vaccinate the populous with something that ON ITS OWN BOX says there have been no controlled tests and its efficacy is unproven !
This is not scaremongering. It is published fact. It is there in black and white. Where the scaremongering exists is in the deliberate fear campaigns being pushed at elderly people saying they are going to die of flu if they don’t get vaccinated. That’s the scaremongering that needs to be tackled.
Gabi, the posts you quote were in the “Healing Energies” thread. The mods moved them to this thread quite rightly.
Try and keep up !
Blah blah blah sorry that is all I am getting from this now. I had mine I hope everyone who wants one gets theirs that is all I have to say about it now.
Your prerogative of course
I have been having a flu jab every year since the early 90’s (pre 65!) when I was offered one by my doctor due to me being my father’s sole carer. That is over 20 years and I’m pleased to report that I’m in the best of health and never had flu or health complications in all those years. I’ll be going for my pre-arranged vaccination this Friday, as will my husband.
We are old enough to make up our own minds about the vaccination and if it were necessary, I would sooner be advised by a medically qualified person than be persuaded by bits and pieces copied and pasted from the internet.
That’s excellent Mags. In which case you presumably took on board the research from the Cochrane Library.
Here’s the extract from their website about who they are. I hope it meets your definition of “medically qualified”
Who are we?
We are a global independent network of researchers, professionals, patients, carers, and people interested in health.
Cochrane contributors from more than 120 countries work together to produce credible, accessible health information that is free from commercial sponsorship and other conflicts of interest. Many of our contributors are world leaders in their fields - medicine, health policy, research methodology, or consumer advocacy - and our groups are situated in some of the world’s most respected academic and medical institutions.
Our work is recognized as representing an international gold standard for high quality, trusted information.
Scaremongering is particularly unhelpful to those of us who have serious and complicated medical conditions Julie.
Very true I hope no one has been put off if their GP considers they would benefit from the jab.
Me too.
However I truly hope that anyone now thinking of having the flu jab will ask their GP the following questions and insist on answers:
Does the vaccine you are recommending to me contain forms of Mercury?
If it does, how much Mercury is in it, and if you don’t know, why don’t you know? How can you recommend it if you don’t know?
Can I see the packet please so I can read the ingredients list and determine if there is Thimerosal in it and if so what level?
How many people per 100 does the flu jab benefit as far as you are concerned and on what data do you base those figures? May I have a copy of those figures please?
The answers people get should be quite interesting and doubtless quite revealing about the state of the NHS and GPs in general.
If they say there is NO Mercury in the vaccine then they are most likely outright lying but an examination of the packet ingredients should confirm.
If they admit there IS Mercury but don’t know what level then that imo is utter negligence on their part and I would think twice about taking any advice from them.
If they refuse to let you see the packet ingredient list then again I would walk away sharpish.
I would be very keen to hear from any of you that are electing to have the vaccine and to know exactly what brand/make of vaccine they are giving you and if you can get the ingredients list (called the “insert”) from the packet then all the better so you can tell us what it says.
I don’t need to waste the nurses time like that, I am first one to speak out if I feel the NHS is not behaving correctly, in this instance I feel they are doing what they can to protect the population and their patients.
Mart most people will read something once, they won’t read the same thing over again when someone with an obsession dons steel capped boots and attempts to ram their opinion down peoples throats with them on .