[quote=“Realist, post: 714656”]
I’m aware of that thank you however I also note in your own site discussion guidelines you clearly state:
we frequently give serious and controversial topics a good airing! Usually these take place in the Discussions forum, though they can sometimes be found in other sections too.
Your comments are therefore somewhat confusing. It is not clear whether you are wanting to veto discussion of topics from all forum sections that are not the “Discussion” section. That doesn’t make a lot of sense TBH. I would think that in the Science section we should find good strong discussions about science or technologies, similarly in the Health section one would expect discussion of all manner of health related topics many of which are controversial of course. It’s not at all clear what you are suggesting as a result. If someone starts a thread in the health section called “The Flu Jab” would we not expect hearty discussion about the Flu Jab?
What makes your stance here even harder to comprehend is that it seems to be based on people’s individual contributions to a thread rather than the thread itself. You clearly don’t mind someone starting up a thread in the Health section called The Flu Jab or Healing Energies but if people want to actually discuss those topics you’re suggesting it has to go in the Discussions section? That makes no sense. If you could explain your criteria a little further perhaps I could understand better.
Another quote from your own guidelines:
When someone gives an opinion about which you feel strongly, you may deconstruct it, dissect it and even disparage and denounce it, but do not under any circumstances denounce them personally for holding it
I don’t feel overly strongly about this particular topic but nevertheless have asked the OP to explain the “healing energies” that is the topic of this thread. That is imo entirely reasonable.
Again your own guidelines refer:
6. Back up your claims.
If you are claiming something that is likely to be disputed, then where possible, link to sources to back up your claim. It may not represent the absolute 100% definitive proof (it may be just one study, for instance) but it will at least add some credence to your point, and help move the debate forward.
So again, I have simply asked for some explanation or source that backs up these “healing energy” practices. Again fair and reasonable.
I note also that you make no comment in regards to people hurling insults and disparagements such as:
" totally self-centred man, with no love, or desire to help a living soul. What a very sad way to be."
Such comments are very much against your guidelines and Ts&Cs are they
In the above post you say The Flu Jab was a discussion thread…well I will use your familiar quote ‘TBH’ it wasn’t… Again repeating myself it was a health reminder for whoever wanted a flu jab that it was time to have it.
I’ve stopped reading your long drawn out posts…not got the time or inclination for one sided conversations. I told you my husband was bedridden every year until he started the flu jabs…your response…nil. I told you my cousin died of Swine Flu …nil again but still spouting ppl where having flu jabs through fear of dying…ppl do die of flu.