How about a recipe, Rockrider? Love home made soup!
Never use a recipe, just throw in some veg (whatever I have spare), with a veg soup like it to taste ‘natural’ so throw in some parsley, perhaps Oregano, maybe even mint. never know how it’s gonna turn out until it’s done. So far everyone’s a winner …
Just made a Butternut Squash and Nutmeg, delish’.
Tomorrow it’s leek & potato, I have some Leeks going over and some taties going soft so rather than waste them will turn them into a soup.
Lovely sunny day, out earlyish on the bike, did a very nice 30kms. Sorry did a very nice 27kms, 3 kms from home I encountered a rather large puddle (small lake, we had some torrential downpours on Wednesday night). Thought the left side looked solid and went for it, wrong, sunk into about 6" of mud and came to an abrupt stop. Had to put a foot down, up to my ankle in mud. Then had to dismount and push the bike through it.
Now the bike and me are caked in mud, the sticky clay sort, yuk!
The final 3kms to home I was pelted with mud coming up from both tyres.
I had to hose down the bike, and SWMBO hosed me down.
Oh Joy !
gee wish I could exersise likle that can only walk doc says
Done anaerobically yoga will be far more effective than the figures you show.
Just spotted this thread…
I do two one hour zumba classes each week…does that count?
Yoga Dharma
Hi, I cant say what Zumba does as I have never tried it. My guess is it is aerobic rather than anaerobic, which is far less effective. Yoga also has many other benefits which current exercise fads wont include. That said, I am sure it is still a very good form of exercise. [mod edit]
Zumba is form of cardiovascular exercise that provides the opportunity to increase intensity without burning out in a matter of minutes and is the reason why participants don’t feel they’ve been working for an hour.
It is exercise in disguise because it’s more like dancing.
I used to do yoga, but found it boring.
I have spent most of my life in keeping fit, Was brought up on it when mum and dad would ride of to scarbrough on they bikes and leave me with grandma until i was old enough to ride with them. I also use to run and weight train in my 30’s and 40’s I did the london Marathon 5 times. I still ride the bike and my son and is son do. I have had some amazing times, Good memories.
I see the last post here is dated August 2013.
Does that mean no one has done any exercise since then? What a lazy lot you are!
@ Janet
I think for many of us ‘fitness’ activities like walking gardening etc are just things we do as part of life and we don’t think of them as somthing memorable that needs ‘reporting’
I still do Zumba…
I do too - can’t get enough of it.
Luckily there are no mirrors in the hall so I can kid myself that I’m doing it right.
Oh thank god! I thought it was another new thing!
Start a new one Tess
Dog Walking this morning-2.5 miles approx…
Dog Walking this afternoon-5 miles…