First time on a plane

Useless spell checkers, they need to go back to school,
‘retuned’ should have been returned! :wink: :slight_smile:


But for chance…eh?
A bunch of mine are in Jamaica, USA, Canada, Taiwan…

My 1st ever flight was from Birmingham to Luxembourg for a job interview (not with the EEC) in 1980.

Holiday to East Germany. Smallish plane. It had developed engine problems on the day we were due to fly from Heathrow and so we were put up in a hotel while they flew in engineers from the DDR to fix things.

Any nervousness we had were immediately allayed by seeing the engineers fly back with us, dozing quite happily on a couple of seats near the front.

My first trip on a plane was from London Airport (before it became Heathrow) to Lagos on BOAC. I don’t know how old I was, but I was apparently the youngest person to fly BOAC London to Lagos.

When I was at agricultural college, living in a dorm, my parents went across europe with car towing caravan followed by my brother driving a Landrover. They setting in a place called Costa da Caparica for a few months. I went out to visit on a package holiday. That was my first proper flight. Before that I’d been up in a glider a few times, over the Cotswolds.

My first ever flight was to Majorca from Manchester Airport I remember it was a package holiday and it cost £49.50 each for 2 weeks in the sun in a hotel.

I have been in Concorde ( on the ground ) it’s very small inside .
There is no inflight entertainment as everyone gets there so quickly .

My first flight was when in the army, (RA. NS service) at age 21 !
We flew from Southend on a chartered Hermes with 4 piston
engines !
It was a night flight to Cypress for the EOKA crisis !
I remember the plane was very packed and as we were made to wear
our uniforms complete with webbing and side packs etc was not very
comfortable, the only fun we had was when the hostesses had
to squeeze past us .
I rember looking out of the port hole to see the engine exhausts
glowing red hot !!
Glad to get out at Nicosia airport to find it was hotter than the plane !!


Spain 40 years ago

What did you do in Spain 40 rears ago? Holiday? Or did you live there?

inside Concorde

Flown back from Singapore, to the UK, in 1957.

Had taken a quick trip, to the Persian Gulf, on a Shell Tanker at the beginning of 1956 and, because of the Suez Crisis, we were re-based to the Singapore Base.

Lovely being out there, visiting all of the wonderful locations, but many of the crew got “Dear John’s” from home, or their family lives were very damaged.

A three week trip turned into 15 months!

Oh! & the Aeroplane had a failing engine, on our return flight, and we had to emergency land in Calcutta, and were re-planed a day later!


Blood hell Ted!
I was still doing me Prentice ship then !!
You must be even older than me ?
What were you flying in, a Dakota ??


Hi DM!

Think it was a Super G Constellation,

I would have been 20 years young!


Ah! then we must be about the same age Ted ?
Coz l started me national service at age 21 and l took me first
flight soon  after!
It might have been on a super constellation which the MOD chartered
and flew from Sarfend, l think they must have chartered more than one
coz they flew the whole regiment out to Cyprus ?
 Anyway you have a good day !!


PS, lm having trouble wiv the computer, it insists on changing me text

My first flight was about 40 years ago to South Africa sadly my earing has never recovered from the descent into Joburg Airport :cry:

Oh, do you wear earings basser ??


Hearing was damaged and my spelling also Donkeyman :slight_smile: