Some of my groups do argue & get bi*chy. I think it’s funny.
I agree. I made the same comment a few posts earlier.
The vitriol I see Bes are not with my friends but the local newsgroups I am in where there are strangers that I don’t know. I keep thinking I should leave the groups but I’m nosey and I want to find out whats going on in our local and surrounding areas. I see some very ugly exchanges but I do understand most are decent people, its just the nasty trolls who spoil it for rest of group.
See my response to Bes Carol x
Yes i can imagine,…then you get those who over exaggerate…I’ve met a few like that imo…
Thank you LQ. We do have a local group where we live and one where we lived. Neither is particularly active. Where can I find a plumber or a painter - that sort of thing…
Young people are on places like Reddit and Tik tok. Many of them consider Facebook for “old people”.
I’ve searched Google for “internet for old people” and gotten Facebook.
The trouble that I had with facebook was that there were so many places to look each day for messages and communications from people I had no idea who they were. So many things to control and make sure that it was secure, I could spend a whole day on there just trying to figure out how to do this and that. A bit like this forum is turning into…
That was why the Internet was created, it is specifically designed so it cannot all fail.
The Titanic was ‘unsinkable’ Bruce…
Nice clip Bruce…
By today’s standards the Titanic was just a ‘coracle’ Bruce…But at the time it was the biggest and most luxurious ship that ever sailed on the seven seas, and unsinkable…
But in years to come the human race will realise that the internet was responsible for the demise of mankind…Talk about obesity, you can work from home and order anything your heart desires without leaving your armchair…
I must say the internet can be addictive, which is quite worrying, I don’t want to spend the rest of my life surfing the net…I’ve got to wean myself off this, or at least limit my time on it.
It can take such a strong hold and has.
You can get really carried away on here. I leave it & go read a book instead at times.
I guess these types of comment should make us more aware of why so many of our youngsters walk around with their mobile phones the centre of their attention!
This ‘addiction’ is probably ‘their world’ and unlike ourselves, with nothing else to reflect on or recall, it takes up much of their time. As it’s mainly harmless, other than time-consuming, many of us generally do the same, only for less of our time.
The thing is Baz, we are mostly retired, old, disabled or just lacking the get up and go we used to enjoy, but the young people are the future, they should be doing sporty stuff or inventing new things and ideas to get us out of the mess we appear to be in now.
I couldn’t agree with you more OGF, we also do have a ‘life’ to reflect on and all that we did in our younger years. The youngsters are now in education until at least 18 and more than likely until 21, if going to university to get those ‘so necessary pieces of paper’, they have no experience of life as a young working person most of us had. I have to say they are not all like that, many do all that you commented on but life is not the same for them as it was for us. Basically for us it was education until 15 so that we had the basics to earn a living. For today’s youngsters it’s far more than that, only because their aspirations are very, very different to how our’s were. They have to have these high aspirations nowadays as it’s a far more competitive world than it used to be. Those youngsters I know are very much more knowledgeable and quite clever compared to many of us youngsters when I left school at just 15 years of age.
Good post Baz…
But with so many aspirations comes many disappointments and suicide amongst young people was almost none existent when we were teens…
Those pressures put on youngsters, the possible cause of mental heath problems and very sadly suicide for some, are probably far more than we realise now or ever have done in the past. Life was very different for us in our teens and early twenties, we probably enjoyed ourselves more and that enabled us to be different people to how many youngsters are nowadays. I have seen those pressures in my own family but it goes higher than that, everybody is under far more pressure these days and not all, including older adults, can deal with this. Basically we are not all the same and therefore not all equal, as much as many would try to have us believe.
Perhaps you can but it is not compulsory to spend your life in an armchair. Anyway weight gain is due to over eating not lack of exercise, Exercise is useless for weight loss.