Run ten miles every day for a year Bruce and tell me you haven’t lost any weight…
You only lose weight if you eat less than the energy expended, if you run 10 miles every day and eat sufficient food to cover that energy expenditure then you won’t lose any weight. If you sit in an armchair all day and eat less food than needed to keep your body ticking over then you will lose weight.
It is a simple equation.
You only lose weight if you eat less than the energy expended, if you run 10 miles every day and eat sufficient food to cover that energy expenditure then you won’t lose any weight. If you sit in an armchair all day and eat less food than needed to keep your body ticking over then you will lose weight.
It is a simple equation.
Erm no Bruce…Food is stored in different ways depending the type of things you eat and the amount and type of exercise you do.
Once upon a time I joined faecesbook - persuaded by friends that it was a good idea. Within three weeks of being there - my PC was infected by a ‘keylogger virus’ and my bank account was hacked! No - it wasn’t a coincidence - my techy guys traced both problems back to source. I closed my account - with great difficulty as they do not like to let go - and would not touch it now with the proverbial barge pole!
Oddly enough - I am still able to use a few really good systems for keeping in touch with family/friends etc., pen and paper (takes a bit longer but is virus free), email, and telephone.
Oddly enough - I am still able to use a few really good systems for keeping in touch with family/friends etc., pen and paper (takes a bit longer but is virus free), email, and telephone.
Not entirely virus free - How long does Covid survive on paper and plastic? You’re safer with email or telephone.
Not entirely virus free - How long does Covid survive on paper and plastic? You’re safer with email or telephone.
I reckon catching covid from inanimate objects is bogus Brucie…
Unless you stuff them up your nose…
I joined Facebook when Sagazone closed down to keep in touch with many of the lovely people l met on there.
One of the Sagazone members has contracted Covid whilst holidaying in Italy and she has been in hospital there. She is now improving and has said, how invaluable the Facebook group messages and posts were to her for keeping her spirits up.
I also joined a couple of local groups and was able to get in touch with friends l hadn’t seen for years.
I also belong to other groups that are of a subject l am interested in.
I also like to wish friends, Happy Birthday!
I have never encountered arguments, or bad stuff on there. Maybe, occasional swearing by some but nothing else.
I am not on there every day, l just pop in as l do here, or any other site.
Self Discipline is the word!!
I have a Facebook account mainly to access backgammon there but its also good for other groups …we enjoy cruising for instance and there are some good groups on that and local to your area groups too.
We have a family WhatsApp group which is private as my son doesn’t agree with photos of his kids on FB
I have been banned umpteen times from Facebook. I am here because I feel the need to express myself at times. Don’t we all?
This should be fun!