Elderly people who exercise 'live five years longer'

Cycling news …
He thinks I’m improving ! :smiley:

I do feel a little better about remaining upright and steering but stopping continues to be an issue.

Out again this evening for ‘round 8’ :smiley: :shock: :smiley:

ding ding


Five years longer than what? :confused:

I got on me bike in 1961, all year, all weather because it is a stationary exercise bike. This was recommended by Phisio after an accident, I have worn out many bikes and hope to wear out lots more. I do not ride every day but fairly irregular regular user. Ideal because I can just step on and ride when I feel the need, quite often these days, radio helps to relieve the boredom and a cup of tea and a biccy afterwards finishes my healthy living for that day. :smiley:

I could brag about the young girl who tried to outride me when I visited a gym on holiday, she collapsed in a heap when I eventually finished my stint, but anyway I am not going to brag about that :lol: it would not be naice would it? :lol:

Five years longer than a person would have lived if the exercise hadn’t been done I suppose. That’s probably not always going to be the case though. A person could die five years earlier than they would have done because the exercise caused a heart attack or stroke.

There’s perhaps more risk of that happening to older people because our hearts have pumped blood for longer and blood vessels in the brain are older. Nothing lasts forever.

Moderation when elderly, rather than pushing oneself too hard, might fend off any adverse effects exercising could have. Perhaps giving us a greater chance of getting those extra years.

I beat a young woman cyclist along a stretch of road a while ago. The compliment she gave about my fitness made me beam but I know I shouldn’t really be entering into fitness contests these days. I have resolved not to do it again.

Being fit for one’s age is what I feel should be the goal, rather than being as fit as we were when younger. No point in being the fittest older person in the graveyard. :slight_smile:

Bloomin cycling’s given me a bad back … :-(:frowning: :cry:

PLUS I have bruises all down my right shin where I toppled over last week when I messed up my stopping technique sobs

But do you feel any fitter, Rachel?! :wink:

NOOOOOOOOO … :frowning: can hardly stand up properly

Aww, poor you… I think you need to give it a rest for a while then, let the bruises heal. I could never even get on a bike - just wouldn’t have the confidence I once had.

Lol … ah well, I never had any confidence riding a bicycle so nothing’s changed :shock:
Annoyed that I couldn’t do much to help in the garden though. I do like to pull my weight.

I shall try raising the handlebars so I’m not so scrunched up next time I go adventuring :smiley:

might be your saddle that needs altering Rachel .i spent many happy years cycling and miss it loads …

The saddle was slightly too low so I raised it a bit and of course that makes the handlebars lower … I will try moving them up too but I really can’t do anything strenuous at the moment :frowning:

Will mabe try setting up my wiifit again, later and do some gentle exercise

Well I did the Porthcawl 5k this morning nice and easy in a time of 24:30 without any knee pain at all. As my huge brain worked out my knee pain was being caused by my excessive weight. As my weight has dropped my knee pain has receded and is gone now. So you fat buggers with joint pains lose the fat - simples.

Been out for a 2nd run tonight of 6 miles and felt great. At last the weight loss is kicking in and I can step up my training. Makes life interesting when you can apply both your brain and body to various pursuits.

A friend of mine was telling me a few years ago he cycled to Spain ! yikes … (he’s 62 now) :shock:

He was doing 50 - 100 miles per day and lost 4 inches off his waist … crikey …
I had no idea he was a cyclist and always wondered why he looks so fit.
He says I could buy a longer handlebar thingie if I can’t raise this one up far enough, so I shall fiddle around later and see what I can do :smiley:

Bruised leggy getting better


Ooo :shock:

That looks as though it hurt !!! :shock:

Lol … it looks far worse than it felt at the time :smiley:
Can’t believe that it was so bruised and how the bruising has lasted so long.

All I did was topple over as I stopped and it was in the local Country Park … not on to concrete, just stones and ‘stuff’ :shock:

Did I get any sympathy ? erm … no comment :!:;-):shock:

Weighed last night and was 10st 9lb after my run. Weight loss is hovering around 20lbs now. Amazing thing really but my knee pain has totally gone.

Pushed myself at the club last night and dropped everyone. Only got caught at the end by one guy. This was during a hard 5km beach run mostly on soft sand. He won’t catch me when I have lost another stone. Will be left dead in the water.

Managed to raise my handlebars but am incapacitated with a back problem AND my bruised leggy is still looking bruised :frowning:

If really really starting out taking exercise here is a very simple exercise you can do sitting down at the computer.

First of all cover the mouse with you hand then lift hand off the mouse. Told you it was simple. Do that a few times until you are comfortable doing it.

The next exercise is again place the hand over the mouse and try pushing it forward. Do that a few times until you are comfortable doing it.

Next do the first two thing and then take it one stage further. After pushing the mouse forward try pulling it back. Try that a few times and do not over do it and take a rest after each exercise.

You will soon get the hand and arm doing a movement it may not be used to. ;-):smiley:

Lol … women don’t usually run as fast as men anyway