Elderly people who exercise 'live five years longer'

MKJ, looking at the photo here you are looking good !. I wish I could get into a healthy routine again. I used to excericse/gym/trainer and loved it.Then my husband passed away four years ago, and now I don’t have any motivation and sadly I put on weight as I don’t eat right either. Maybe if I look at these forums it might give me some incentive to start again. Oh, and I used to run a little too ! got lost in a canyon once !!

It isn’t easy to start an exercise regime after a layoff. I found it much harder than I thought mostly owing to the extra weight. All I can advise is take it easy at first so you don’t harm yourself. If you pick up an injury (as I did - sore knee) then it could scupper any chance you have of making a come-back. The diet is the key I found: I ditched the booze for a while etc.

I have ostioarthritas in My spine,shoulders, and right knee (the other was replaced)…do stretching exercises every morning to straighten Myself up,5 min’s on step ups, then 10 min’s on the treadmill…just recently I bought a recumbant exercise bike which has a comfortable seat with a backrest…I love it and can happily pedal away while listening to music or watching tv,I can also use a couple of 1kg weights to exercise My arms & shoulders at the same time…Happy exercising Folks,it should be a pleasure not a pain ;~)

MKJ - thanks for your suggestions , again I’ve started today, took my two dogs a walk with a little ‘trot’ every so many yards ! got home, had some greek yogurt/walnut bits/banana for breakfast !, and a few squats while brewing my tea !! got to start somewhere …with little steps ! thanks because as I read your blog its an inspiration, and other little helpful hints I find along the way too ! have a good day !

oh for all, I am new to the forums - lived in Derby UK but been in the States for 30 years. Married my U.S. Paratrooper pen pal 1985, married for 26 happy years, until he passed away 4 years ago tragically. He was the one behind all my fitness things I did, but for the last four years lost all motivation to keep fit …unitl now ! I am going to give this a try !.

Well, I’m off for around 8 miles run - maybe 10. I better bugger off as I’m suffering from being a little hyper at the mo causing me to post rubbish all over this forum. Nice to have a little spare energy for a change though :slight_smile: .

Duh ! excuses … :wink:

Wow. Nearly didn’t go but glad I did now.

Legs were tight but I was running easy yet faster than usual. Decided to run up the mountain, which was a run I did about 3 weeks ago. When I ran it last I struggled and had to stop a few times on the last hill. Not so this time though. Up to the top without missing a beat and then OVER the top (turned back last time) and down into Margam Park. Felt strong all the way which must be a good 9-10 mile. Much improved and my leg strength was transformed.

The reason for the above is weight loss plus a really hard session of short sprints with varied rests I did last Friday. The session wiped me out but my legs must have recovered in time for this run.

Pleasantly surprised :smiley: .

Well done !
I always find its hard on the knees coming down. I’m speaking of my time about 5 years ago ! we have a climb called Table Rock, its about 2hours there and back walking though ! I had lost weight and wanted to do it I conquered it but I found it was much harder coming down than going up !! but I was glad I did it …i had bragging rights !!!

:smiley: Walking downhill, if it was a sterp incline, always pushed my feet forward and hurt my toes.

Going uphill used to wear me out quickly :shock:

Walking along a flat torrain was just plain boring :mrgreen:

Giving up seemed to be the best solution :smiley: … sorted

went to the doctor yesterday he was pleased with my blood results but he said kidneys were slightly high but not worried ! anyway the good news is I LOST 5LBS !!! without really trying ! however I did have a healthful breakfast of greek yogurt/blueberries/walnut halves ! I was really pleased he told me as it has given me more incentive to get motivated again so took the dogs and extra walk ! this morning I took them their usual walk (5am) and I did a combination of a slight light jog and then walk a bit alternately ! I am sure that hubby is looking down and pleased with me !!

Found this on FB and thought it might inspire some of us :smiley:


Heh heh,He looks like a bit of allright…when I take MY glasses off ;~)

Good for You Derby Gal,just remember to do Your stretching exercises before attempting any runs…I don’t drive so I walk everywhere at a brisk pace,not long distances,just a couple of miles 3/4 times a week…Gave up dieting as at My age being fit is more important than being thin ;~)

Just completed my 2nd Park Run of this year: 5KM in 22:42 mins which is nearly 2 mins off the last time I ran it - 2 weeks ago. Big improvement in a short space of time. I reckon I can keep knocking big chunks off my time for a while yet.

Yayyyyyy … well done !

I practice Taoist Tai Chi…

Last week I went mental on the running. Ran 2x on a few days. Got as far as Thursday, where I ran 7 miles with the club, and really suffered. I was exhausted! Not run since :frowning: . Mind you I got rid of a humongous TV on Sat and pulled a muscle in my back whilst doing so. Lot better today so will try another slow jog. Would really love to get really fit again but I must admit for a long time now it seems I take a step or 2 forward but then take a step or 2 backward - nasty stale mate.

I go to the gym 3 times a week if possible, and not having a car I walk everywhere I can.
I try to eat healthy, salad and fruit for lunch, lots of veg with some protein in the evening with more fruit.
I’ve lost 3 stone since May 2012 and am now where I want to be.